Through the generosity of private donors and matching funds from the University, a substantial number of endowments have been established to provide internal awards to CSB graduate students. In the Department of Cell & Systems Biology, many of these awards are provided as a top-up to the student’s base stipend in recognition of research and academic excellence.
If you would like to donate to support CSB and its students, please follow this link.
Donor’s Impact: Dr. Christine Hone-Buske Scholarship for Outstanding Publication by a PhD Student

We are enormously grateful to Carmen Buske, the mother of Christine Hone-Buske, who established the annual Dr. Christine Hone-Buske Scholarship for Outstanding Publication by a PhD Student in 2019 to support students in the Department of Cell & Systems Biology.
The scholarship was created in memory of Dr. Christine Hone-Buske (February 10, 1984 – May 22, 2019), who completed her undergraduate and graduate studies at the University of Toronto, receiving her PhD for studies in Behavioural Neuroscience from Cell & Systems Biology in 2013.
As a student, teaching assistant and researcher at U of T, Christine approached her work with confidence, curiosity and drive. Her mentorship, enthusiasm and exceptional communications skills benefitted the students and the scientists she encountered throughout her career, and earned her thousands of followers and admirers on social media.
This award honours Christine’s intellect and innovative spirit by recognizing PhD students in Cell and Systems Biology who have published a peer-reviewed article that demonstrates research excellence.
The recipient of the 2024 Dr Christine Hone-Buske Award is Sabrina Barsky for her publication on “Androgen action on myogenesis throughout the lifespan; comparison with neurogenesis”.