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The Department of Cell & Systems Biology (CSB) advances research and teaching in the most dynamic and vital areas of biological research

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Recent Publications

mTor limits autophagy to facilitate cell volume expansion and rapid wound repair in Drosophila embryos

Scepanovic G, Balaghi N, Rothenberg KE, Fernandez-Gonzalez R
2025, Developmental Cell, 10.1016/j.devcel.2024.12.039

Transcription processes compete with loop extrusion to homogenize promoter and enhancer dynamics

Platania A, Erb C, Barbieri M, Molcrette B, Grandgirard E, de Kort MAC, Pomp W, Meaburn K, Taylor T, Shchuka VM, Kocanova S, Nazarova M, Oliveira GM, Mitchell JA, Soutoglou E, Lenstra TL, Molina N, Papantonis A, Bystricky K, Sexton T
2024, Science Advances, 10.1126/sciadv.adq0987

Calcium signaling triggers early high humidity responses in Arabidopsis thaliana

Hussain S, Suda H, Nguyen CH, Yan D, Toyota M, Yoshioka K, Nambara E
2024, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 10.1073/pnas.2416270121

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Restoration of Rapid Wound Repair Despite Immunosuppressants

Researchers at U of T have determined that immunosuppressants used with transplant recipients slow wound repair by inhibiting the growth of cells…

New tools give an AI boost to plant scientists at the BAR

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Nambara lab reveals plants’ exquisitely tuned responses to high humidity

CSB plant scientists have identified the finely tuned way plants adjust to high humidity conditions. Canadian crops will experience high humidity…

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Emerge as a leader, critical thinker and professional

Nick Provart

Professor and Chair

At CSB, our Professors create modern, interactive instruction for an engaged student body and our Sessional Lecturers provide a personal approach. Our exceptional students, post-docs and professors are recipients of prestigious honours. We will continue to produce outstanding discoveries that enhance and challenge our understanding of living organisms

CSB Chair Nick Provart with red leaves in the background

What’s Happening at CSB