St. George UTM UTSC All Faculty Ina Anreiter Assistant Professor ☀ Accepting Applications We study gene-regulatory processes underlying behaviour in Drosophila melanogaster. We are interested in undertanding the roles that genetics, epigenetics, epitrancriptomics, and the environment play in regulating behaviour, plasticity, and individual differences.  Campus: UTSC Maithe Arruda-Carvalho Assistant Professor ☀ Accepting Applications Our lab uses a systems level approach to explore the relationship between the maturation of sensitive brain circuits, the emergence of complex behaviour, and stress sensitivity in mice. Campus: UTSC Guillaume Filion Assistant Professor ☀ Accepting ApplicationsCampus: UTSC Kathlyn Gan Assistant Professor ☀ Accepting Applications Our lab studies molecular pathways that regulate human synapse formation and function and harnesses them to restore synaptic connectivity in the aging brain. Campus: UTSC Sonia Gazzarrini Professor ☀ Accepting Applications My research interests involve understanding the molecular mechanisms that regulate the transition from dormancy to germination and the role that hormones and abiotic stresses play in this processes. Campus: UTSC Eliana Gonzales-Vigil Assistant Professor ☀ Accepting Applications How, when and why do plants synthesize metabolites that cure our illnesses and flavour our foods? The lab is figuring out the answers to questions related to plant specialized metabolism. Campus: UTSC Eyal Gruntman Assistant Professor ☀ Accepting Applications We study fundamental visual computations, their algorithms and implementations, and how they are used to create complex percepts.  Campus: UTSC Christina Guzzo Assistant Professor ☀ Accepting Applications My research aims to delineate the molecular mechanisms of HIV-1 control and pathogenesis, including the role of host immune cell proteins (soluble and cell-derived) in altering HIV infection. Campus: UTSC Rene E. Harrison Professor ☀ Accepting Applications My lab uses advanced fluorescent imaging to study the cell biology of immune cells and bone cells under normal and pathological states. Campus: UTSC Rutsuko Ito Associate Professor ☀ Accepting Applications We are interested in identifying brain circuits that underlie contextual and affective influences over motivated behaviour, and the neural and neurochemical mechanisms of approach avoidance decision making.  Campus: UTSC Minoru Koyama Assistant Professor ☀ Accepting Applications We investigate the neural circuit mechanisms of behavioural development using power combinations of cutting-edge physiology, optics, genetics, and behavioural analyses in developing zebrafish.  Campus: UTSC Nathan R. Lovejoy Professor ☀ Accepting Applications I am interested in the relationship between naturally occurring genomic variation and animal function. Current research focuses on the evolution of genes involved in electric signal production in Amazonian fishes. Campus: UTSC Andrew C. Mason Professor & Chair ☀ Accepting Applications Acoustic and vibrational communication; complex signals; sensory processing; decision making; signal function and evolution. Campus: UTSC Patrick O. McGowan Associate Professor ☀ Accepting Applications Epigenetic mechanisms of neurodevelopment and behaviour. Focus on molecular mechanisms that mediate the adaptation to psychosocial stress and complex disease in humans and other species. Campus: UTSC Adam Mott Assistant Professor ☀ Accepting Applications We combine wet lab and computational approaches to study how plants use cell surface receptors to sense their environment, integrate this information, and regulate growth and immunity. Campus: UTSC Joanne E. Nash Associate Professor ☀ Accepting Applications We employ a multidisciplinary approach to understand the cell and molecular mechanisms underlying neurological diseases such as Parkinson's disease. It is hoped that these studies will lead to better treatments for patients suffering from these diseases. Campus: UTSC Xue Pan Assistant Professor ☀ Accepting Applications Our research interests revolve around plant lipid synthesis, modification and signaling with the goal of developing innovative engineering strategies to enhance crop productivity, bio-oil yield and quality. Campus: UTSC Cosima Porteus Assistant Professor ☀ Accepting Applications The focus of our laboratory is to understand how fish sense, interact with and respond to their environment, linking environmental changes or challenges to whole animal physiology, behaviour and ecology.  Campus: UTSC Satyaki Rajavasireddy Assistant Professor ☀ Accepting Applications We study the genetics and epigenetics of seed development.  Campus: UTSC Stephen Reid Associate ProfessorCampus: UTSC Robert Rozeske Assistant Professor ☀ Accepting Applications We study how spatial representations guide defensive behaviour using a systems neuroscience approach. Campus: UTSC Mauricio Terebiznik Associate Professor ☀ Accepting Applications My laboratory specializes in cellular microbiology and cell biology. We investigate different unexplored aspects of the interplay of macrophages, and epithelial cells with intracellular pathogens and toxic fibres like asbestos. Campus: UTSC Tod Thiele Assistant Professor We investigate how neural circuits produce behaviour using systems neuroscience approaches.  Campus: UTSC Bebhinn Treanor Associate Professor ☀ Accepting Applications My research focuses on the cellular and molecular mechanisms controlling immune cell activation through the development and implementation of cutting edge optical microscopy. Campus: UTSC Yan Wang Assistant Professor ☀ Accepting Applications We study fungal biology, evolutionary genomics, and how fungi interact with other organisms, using mosquitoes and the gut-dwelling fungi as the model.  Campus: UTSC Kenneth C. Welch Associate Professor ☀ Accepting Applications I use and integrative and comparative approach to study the physiology of muscle function, fuel use, metabolism and energetics during locomotion. Campus: UTSC Rongmin Zhao Associate Professor ☀ Accepting Applications The mechanism of action of molecular chaperones and their roles in plant development, and in organelle functions; the mechanism of regulated protein degradation by the 26S proteasome. Campus: UTSC