The CSB Forefront Graduate Student Newsletter
About Us
We are an annual digital magazine founded and crafted by graduate students at the Cell and Systems Biology Department at the University of Toronto. The CSB Forefront was founded in 2019 in the spirit of serving as a hub to connect our tri-campus community by creating a safe and inclusive platform for all graduate students to share their ideas, experiences, talents, and love for nature while practicing informal writing about and around scientific research.
Read the CSB Forefront
We want to showcase the accomplishments of CSB graduate students, their scientific and artistic talents, learn more about our own department, the research we conduct, the real stories behind our Faculty members, and host discussions on those things that are important to us while we journey through our Master’s and PhD programs. All contents of the CSB Forefront are therefore created, designed, curated, and edited by volunteer graduate students in our department.
This project is made for all graduate students at CSB, come join us! We are composed of three major teams: Editorial, Graphics Design and Content-Creation. Come and share your ideas, reflect about our journey through grad school, your literary and artistic interests, and help us celebrate the talents you have to offer! Get involved as a writer, artists or editor.
Contact us at: Sanjana
Disclaimer: Though the aim of The CSB Forefront is to represent the voices of the graduate student body of the CSB department, we do not represent the institution of University of Toronto, the CSB department or the CSBGU in any technical nature.