

We offer 45 courses covering topics such as endocrine physiology, introductory virology, cell adhesion and migration, bioinformatics methods and plant-microorganism interactions. Our foundation courses in cell, molecular and developmental biology, and physiology provide fundamental concepts in each area along with essential skills in modern laboratory techniques.

DNA helix surrounded by image of model organisms studied at Cell & Systems Biology: mice, flies, worms, plants, bacteria and viruses

Undergraduate Programs

Offering a variety of courses in cell biology, molecular biology and animal physiology.

The Department of Cell and Systems Biology offers two core programs: Animal Physiology (Major) and Cell & Molecular Biology (Specialist and Major each with the option of Disciplinary Focuses).

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What’s Happening at CSB


Outstanding research earns Gold Medal for Prof Daphne Goring

CSB Professor Daphne Goring has been awarded the CSPB Gold Medal, the highest honour from the Canadian Society of Plant Biologists (CSPB). Goring…

CSB supports Falling Walls Lab Toronto to reveal impressive research in three minutes

Cell & Systems Biology was proud to support Falling Walls Lab Toronto 2024 on August 15th! Our students and staff, including many members of the…

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