St. George UTM UTSC All Faculty Katharina Braeutigam Assistant Professor ☀ Accepting Applications My general research interest lies in the interaction between genome, epigenome, and phenotypic performance in plants with emphasis on persistent effects of past experience and molecular memory systems. Campus: UTM Hai-Ying (Mary) Cheng Professor ☀ Accepting Applications Circadian clock mechanisms in mammals; genetic determinants of adult neurogenesis. Campus: UTM Mark Currie Assistant Professor ☀ Accepting Applications We seek to understand the mechanisms that govern genome organization, epigenetic gene regulation, and genome stability in health and disease. We combine structural biology, biochemistry, and cellular model systems. Campus: UTM Ingo Ensminger Associate Professor ☀ Accepting Applications We study plant-environment interactions and the impact of climate change on plants from molecular to leaf, species and ecosystem level. Campus: UTM Ted Erclik Assistant Professor ☀ Accepting Applications Our lab’s goal is to understand how complex neural circuits develop from an initial population of stem cells. As a model system, we use the Drosophila optic lobe, which is the visual processing center of the fruit fly brain. Campus: UTM Robert Gerlai Professor ☀ Accepting Applications Neurobehavioural genetic analysis of zebrafish with a focus on alcohol effects, social behaviour, learning and memory. Campus: UTM Samira Ghorbani Assistant Professor ☀ Accepting Applications Research in our lab is focused on understanding the mechanisms underlying myelin repair failure in the central nervous system (CNS) during neuroinflammatory demyelinating diseases and aging. Campus: UTM Melissa M. Holmes Professor ☀ Accepting Applications My primary research interest is the reciprocal relationship between social interactions and adult plasticity in the mammalian brain. Campus: UTM Voula Kanelis Associate Professor ☀ Accepting Applications We study nucleotide binding domains (NBDs) from the sulfonylurea receptors (SURs). The SUR proteins, which are members of the ATP binding cassette (ABC) superfamily of proteins, form regulatory domains of ATP sensitive K+ channels. Campus: UTM Angela B. Lange Professor I am an insect physiologist who studies how the nervous system and visceral tissues communicate and integrate information allowing for coordinated behaviours such as egg-laying, digestion, and circulatory function. Campus: UTM Joel Levine ProfessorCampus: UTM Baohua Liu Assistant Professor ☀ Accepting Applications We study the structure, function and plasticity of the circuits in mammalian visual system using the combination of functional imaging, electrophysiology, optogenetics, circuit tracing and behavioural analysis. Campus: UTM Loren Martin Assistant Professor ☀ Accepting Applications The research in my laboratory aims to understand how painful experiences modify the neural circuits and transmitter/peptide systems related to sensory, emotional, social and cognitive information. Campus: UTM David R. McMillen Associate Professor ☀ Accepting Applications Systems and synthetic biology. Design, construction, and analysis of synthetic networks (feedback controllers, logical operators, etc.) in microorganisms and (through collaboration) mammalian cells, to alter cellular behaviour from within. Campus: UTM Josh Milstein Associate Professor ☀ Accepting Applications Our lab is interested in quantitative biological problems ranging from the molecular basis of cell signaling to the ecology and population dynamics of bacteria within biofilms and the microbiome. Campus: UTM Douglas Ashley Monks Associate Professor ☀ Accepting ApplicationsCampus: UTM Rob W. Ness Assistant Professor ☀ Accepting Applications The Ness lab investigates how mutation and recombination interact with selection and genetic drift to drive evolution. We combine natural and experimental populations with new fangled genomic technologies. Campus: UTM Alex Nguyen Ba Assistant Professor ☀ Accepting Applications Our lab studies how genetic changes affect traits and evolution. We use high-throughput technologies to pave the way for an atlas of disease-causing mutations. Campus: UTM Michael A. Phillips Associate Professor ☀ Accepting Applications Regulation and control of plant terpenoid biosynthesis. We use mass spectrometry, isotopic labeling, and synthetic biology to study terpenoid metabolism in Arabidopsis and medically important plant species. Campus: UTM Arbora Resulaj Assistant Professor ☀ Accepting Applications Our work builds upon our training in engineering, human cognition, mouse olfactory and visual behaviors, combined with our expertise in electrophysiology, anatomical and viral techniques and more recently calcium imaging. Campus: UTM Ho-Sung Rhee Associate Professor ☀ Accepting Applications We study epigenetic regulation of neural development and disease using mouse stem cell differentiation systems and high-resolution genomic approaches. Campus: UTM Adriano Senatore Associate Professor ☀ Accepting Applications We study the evolution, electrophysiology, and structure-function properties of ion channels, neurotransmitter receptors, and synaptic protein complexes.  Campus: UTM Bryan Stewart Professor ☀ Accepting Applications Our research is aimed at understanding the cellular and molecular mechanisms that govern the function and development of neurons. Campus: UTM Brandon Walters Assistant ProfessorCampus: UTM Iva Zovkic Assistant Professor ☀ Accepting Applications Epigenetic mechanisms of learning and memory in rodents; role of histone variants in memory formation and maintenance; age-related cognitive decline. Campus: UTM