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CSB Seminar Series – David Knowles, PhD – Departments of Computer Science and Systems Biology at Columbia University and New York Genome Center

January 17 @ 11:00 am

CSB Departmental Seminar

David Knowles, PhD

Jointly Appointed Assistant Professor in the Departments of Computer Science and Systems Biology at Columbia University and New York Genome Center

TITLE: The causes and consequences of splicing variation

ABSTRACT: It has become increasingly clear that alternative splicing (AS) plays a crucial role in development and is often a central culprit in genetic disease. However, we lack a comprehensive understanding of the genetic and cellular regulators of AS variation, and of the downstream functional consequences of that variation. I will describe several projects where we are attempting to fill in some of these missing pieces. 

HOST: Alan Moses

LOCATION: Cell and Systems Biology, 25 Harbord Street, Suite 432

LIVESTREAM LINK: https://csb.utoronto.ca/live-stream/


January 17
11:00 am
Event Category: