CSB Departmental Seminar: “Reinventing the wheel or making it rounder? On the evolution of multiple pathways to lignin in land plants”
Ramsay Wright 432Assistant Professor Juergen Ehlting Department of Biology & Centre for Forest Biology, University of Victoria "Reinventing the wheel or making […]
CSB Departmental Seminar: “Swarming motility as a model microbial cooperative behaviour and importance of surfactants as socially beneficial exoproducts of bacteria”
Ramsay Wright 432Professor Eric Deziel Centre Armand-Frappier Santé Biotechnologie "Swarming motility as a model microbial cooperative behaviour and importance of surfactants as […]
Jarlath Rodgers – “Investigating C. elegans Escape Responses with Biophotonics and Machine Vision”
Ramsay Wright 432Abstract One of the fundamental goals in neuroscience is to describe how animals process information from their environment, integrate […]
CSB Departmental Seminar: “Motivational gating of sleep and wakefulness”
Ramsay Wright 432Assistant Professor Ada Eban-Rothschild Department of Psychology, University of Michigan "Motivational gating of sleep and wakefulness" Abstract: Our lab is […]
CSB Departmental Seminar: “Trans-species microRNAs from the parasitic plant Cuscuta target host mRNAs”
Ramsay Wright 432Professor Michael Axtell The Pennsylvania State University "Trans-species microRNAs from the parasitic plant Cuscuta target host mRNAs" Abstract: MicroRNAs are […]
PhD Transfer Exam
Ramsay Wright 432Kathryn McTavish (Guttman lab) “Phylogenetic and Functional Analysis of Pseudomonas syringae Host Adaption to Coffee" Abstract Bacterial Blight of Coffee greatly […]
MSc Exit Seminar- Diana Bonea
UTSC, Room SW 403Investigation of proteasome architecture, activity, and interactors in Arabidopsis thaliana under abiotic stresses Abstract: The 26S proteasome plays a critical […]
CSB Departmental Seminar: Epigenetic reprogramming in plants: small RNA goes a long way
Ramsay Wright 432PhD/Research Director Jean-Sebastién Parent Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC/AAC) "Epigenetic reprogramming in plants: small RNA goes a long way" Abstract: […]
CSB Departmental Seminar: ARF transcription factor phase transition to promote nuclear export and control of hormone response
Ramsay Wright 432Associate Professor Lucia Strader Washington University "ARF transcription factor phase transition to promote nuclear export and control of hormone response" […]
CSB Departmental Seminar: Professor and Graduate Advisor LeAnn Howe
Ramsay Wright 432Professor and Graduate Advisor LeAnn Howe Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology The University of British Columbia "Maintenance of Gene […]
PhD Exit Seminar – Abiramy Karunendiran (Stewart Lab)
Sarcomere Structure in Drosophila Musculature Studied with Polarimetric Second Harmonic Generation Microscopy Thursday, September 10, 2020 at 1:10pm Join Zoom Meeting: […]
PhD Exit Seminar Samantha Lauby (McGowan lab)
Interactions of Early-Life Temperature Exposure, Offspring Genotype and Maternal Care on Later-Life Maternal Care Provisioning in Female Rats Monday, September […]
CSB Seminar: On the front lines: How bacterial effectors at the host-pathogen interface govern host specificity
“On the front lines: How bacterial effectors at the host-pathogen interface govern host specificity” Marcus Dillon, Assistant Professor University of […]
MSc Exit Seminar -Claresta Adityani (Lumba/McCourt Lab)
Characterizing Striga hermonthica Gibberellin Receptors and Investigating their Crosstalk with Strigolactone Receptors Wednesday, September 30th, 2020 at 2:00pm […]