Andrew C. Mason
Professor & Chair
CSB Appointment
Research Areas
Animal Biology, Evolutionary Biology, Neurobiology, Physiology
Ph.D. University of Toronto 1994
M.Sc. University of Toronto 1989
B.Sc. University Guelph 1983
Primary Undergraduate Department
Biological Sciences, UTSC
Graduate Programs
Cell & Systems Biology
Academic or Administrative Appointments
Chair of Biological Sciences, UTSC
Research Description
acoustic and vibrational communication; complex signals; sensory processing; decision making; signal function and evolution
Contact Information
Office Phone: 416-287-7433
Office: SW 421H
Lab: S 332C
Lab Phone: 416-287-7465
Mailing Address
Department of Cell & Systems Biology
University of Toronto
1265 Military Trail
Scarborough, ON M1C 1A4
Sequencing and annotation of the Ophiostoma ulmi genome
Khoshraftar S, Hung S, Khan S, Gong Y, Tyagi V, Parkinson J, Sain M, Moses AM, Christendat D
2013, BMC genomics, 14, 162, 23496816
Variability in bumblebee pollination buzzes affects the quantity of pollen released from flowers
De Luca PA, Bussière LF, Souto-Vilaros D, Goulson D, Mason AC, Vallejo-Marín M
2013, Oecologia, 172, 805-16, 23188056
Examination of prior contest experience and the retention of winner and loser effects
Kasumovic MM, Elias DO, Sivalinghem S, Mason AC, Andrade MC
2010, Behavioral ecology : official journal of the International Society for Behavioral Ecology, 21, 404-409, 22476369
Experience affects the outcome of agonistic contests without affecting the selective advantage of size
Kasumovic MM, Elias DO, Punzalan D, Mason AC, Andrade MC
2009, Animal behaviour, 77, 1533-1538, 20161296
A precedence effect resolves phantom sound source illusions in the parasitoid fly Ormia ochracea
Lee N, Elias DO, Mason AC
2009, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 106, 6357-62, 19332794
Hearing and spatial behavior in Gryllotalpa major Saussure (Orthoptera: Gryllotalpidae)
Howard DR, Mason AC, Hill PS
2008, The Journal of experimental biology, 211, 3613-8, 18978226
Assessment during aggressive contests between male jumping spiders
Elias DO, Kasumovic MM, Punzalan D, Andrade MC, Mason AC
2008, Animal behaviour, 76, 901-910, 19727331
Hurthle cell neoplasms of the thyroid: sonographic appearance and histologic characteristics
Maizlin ZV, Wiseman SM, Vora P, Kirby JM, Mason AC, Filipenko D, Brown JA
2008, Journal of ultrasound in medicine : official journal of the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine, 27, 751-7; quiz 759, 18424651
CT findings of normal and inflamed appendix in groin hernia
Maizlin ZV, Mason AC, Brown C, Brown JA
2007, Emergency radiology, 14, 97-100, 17406913
Generation of extreme ultrasonics in rainforest katydids
Montealegre-Z F, Morris GK, Mason AC
2006, The Journal of experimental biology, 209, 4923-37, 17142681
Measuring and quantifying dynamic visual signals in jumping spiders
Elias DO, Land BR, Mason AC, Hoy RR
2006, Journal of comparative physiology. A, Neuroethology, sensory, neural, and behavioral physiology, 192, 785-97, 16544164
Seismic signal production in a wolf spider: parallel versus serial multi-component signals
Elias DO, Lee N, Hebets EA, Mason AC
2006, The Journal of experimental biology, 209, 1074-84, 16513934
The start of phonotactic walking in the fly Ormia ochracea: a kinematic study
Mason AC, Lee N, Oshinsky ML
2005, The Journal of experimental biology, 208, 4699-708, 16326951
The mechanics of sound production in Panacanthus pallicornis (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae: Conocephalinae): the stridulatory motor patterns
Montealegre-Z F, Mason AC
2005, The Journal of experimental biology, 208, 1219-37, 15781883
The effect of substrate on the efficacy of seismic courtship signal transmission in the jumping spider Habronattus dossenus (Araneae: Salticidae)
Elias DO, Mason AC, Hoy RR
2004, The Journal of experimental biology, 207, 4105-10, 15498956
Identified auditory neurons in the cricket Gryllus rubens: temporal processing in calling song sensitive units
Farris HE, Mason AC, Hoy RR
2004, Hearing research, 193, 121-33, 15219327
The physiology of insect auditory afferents
Mason AC, Faure PA
2004, Microscopy research and technique, 63, 338-50, 15252877
Seismic signals in a courting male jumping spider (Araneae: Salticidae)
Elias DO, Mason AC, Maddison WP, Hoy RR
2003, The Journal of experimental biology, 206, 4029-39, 14555743
Temporal trends (1973-1997) in survival of patients with esophageal adenocarcinoma in the United States: a glimmer of hope?
Eloubeidi MA, Mason AC, Desmond RA, El-Serag HB
2003, The American journal of gastroenterology, 98, 1627-33, 12873590
Screening for cancer with computed tomography: screening in private sector has knock on effects in public sector in two tier health systems
Mason AC
2003, BMJ (Clinical research ed.), 326, 1457-8, 12829567