Professor Baohua Liu

Baohua Liu

Assistant Professor



CSB Appointment


Research Areas

Neurobiology, Physiology


Ph.D. University of Southern California 2010
M.Sc. Nankai University, China 2002
B.Sc. Nankai University, China 1999

Primary Undergraduate Department

Biology, UTM

Graduate Programs

Cell & Systems Biology

Research Description

We are interested in the circuit mechanisms underlying the orchestration of the ocular motor behavior and visual information processing, which is essential for proper vision.

Contact Information

Office Phone: 905-828-3998
Office: DV3049
Lab: DV1083
Lab Phone: 905-569-4928

Mailing Address

Department of Biology
University of Toronto
3359 Mississauga Road
Mississauga, ON L5L 1C6

Visit lab’s website

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