Baohua Liu
Assistant Professor
CSB Appointment
Research Areas
Neurobiology, Physiology
Ph.D. University of Southern California 2010
M.Sc. Nankai University, China 2002
B.Sc. Nankai University, China 1999
Primary Undergraduate Department
Biology, UTM
Graduate Programs
Cell & Systems Biology
Research Description
We are interested in the circuit mechanisms underlying the orchestration of the ocular motor behavior and visual information processing, which is essential for proper vision.
Contact Information
Office Phone: 905-828-3998
Office: DV3049
Lab: DV1083
Lab Phone: 905-569-4928
Mailing Address
Department of Biology
University of Toronto
3359 Mississauga Road
Mississauga, ON L5L 1C6
Recent News
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December 20, 2022
Congratulations to CSB’s Graduate Student Award Recipients!
Congratulations to our Graduate Students who earned recognition for their accomplishments at our Graduate Student Awards on December 19th, 2022!…
Brainstem inhibitory neurons enhance behavioral feature selectivity by sharpening the tuning of excitatory neurons.
He Y, Chou XL, Lavoie A, Liu J, Russo M, Liu BH
2024, Current biology : CB, 39303712
Brainstem inhibitory neurons enhance behavioral feature selectivity by sharpening the tuning of excitatory neurons
He Y, Chou X, Lavoie A, Liu J, Russo M, Liu B
2024, Current Biology, 10.1016/j.cub.2024.08.037
A direction-selective cortico-brainstem pathway adaptively modulates innate behaviors.
Liu J, He Y, Lavoie A, Bouvier G, Liu BH
2023, Nature communications, 14, 8467, 38123558
Quantification of Visual Feature Selectivity of the Optokinetic Reflex in Mice.
Liu J, Liu BH
2023, Journal of visualized experiments : JoVE, 37427914
UBR4/POE facilitates secretory trafficking to maintain circadian clock synchrony.
Hegazi S, Cheng AH, Krupp JJ, Tasaki T, Liu J, Szulc DA, Ling HH, Rios Garcia J, Seecharran S, Basiri T, Amiri M, Anwar Z, Ahmad S, Nayal K, Sonenberg N, Liu BH, Cheng HM, Levine JD, Cheng HM
2022, Nature communications, 13, 1594, 35332162
Homeostatic control of nuclear-encoded mitochondrial gene expression by the histone variant H2A.Z is essential for neuronal survival.
Lowden C, Boulet A, Boehler NA, Seecharran S, Rios Garcia J, Lowe NJ, Liu J, Ong JLK, Wang W, Ma L, Cheng AH, Senatore A, Monks DA, Liu BH, Leary SC, Cheng HM
2021, Cell reports, 36, 109704, 34525369
Light Up the Brain: The Application of Optogenetics in Cell-Type Specific Dissection of Mouse Brain Circuits.
Lee C, Lavoie A, Liu J, Chen SX, Liu BH
2020, Frontiers in neural circuits, 14, 18, 32390806
Canine Adenovirus 2: A Natural Choice for Brain Circuit Dissection.
Lavoie A, Liu BH
2020, Frontiers in molecular neuroscience, 13, 9, 32174812
Selective Strengthening of Intracortical Excitatory Input Leads to Receptive Field Refinement during Auditory Cortical Development.
Sun YJ, Liu BH, Tao HW, Zhang LI
2019, The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience, 39, 1195-1205, 30587538
Cortico-fugal output from visual cortex promotes plasticity of innate motor behaviour.
Liu BH, Huberman AD, Scanziani M
2016, Nature, 538, 383-387, 27732573
Synaptic Basis for Differential Orientation Selectivity between Complex and Simple Cells in Mouse Visual Cortex.
Li YT, Liu BH, Chou XL, Zhang LI, Tao HW
2015, The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience, 35, 11081-93, 26245969
Strengthening of Direction Selectivity by Broadly Tuned and Spatiotemporally Slightly Offset Inhibition in Mouse Visual Cortex.
Li YT, Liu BH, Chou XL, Zhang LI, Tao HW
2015, Cerebral cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991), 25, 2466-77, 24654259
Linear transformation of thalamocortical input by intracortical excitation.
Li YT, Ibrahim LA, Liu BH, Zhang LI, Tao HW
2013, Nature neuroscience, 16, 1324-30, 23933750
Broad inhibition sharpens orientation selectivity by expanding input dynamic range in mouse simple cells.
Liu BH, Li YT, Ma WP, Pan CJ, Zhang LI, Tao HW
2011, Neuron, 71, 542-54, 21835349
Functional elimination of excitatory feedforward inputs underlies developmental refinement of visual receptive fields in zebrafish.
Zhang M, Liu Y, Wang SZ, Zhong W, Liu BH, Tao HW
2011, The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience, 31, 5460-9, 21471382
Visual representations by cortical somatostatin inhibitory neurons–selective but with weak and delayed responses.
Ma WP, Liu BH, Li YT, Huang ZJ, Zhang LI, Tao HW
2010, The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience, 30, 14371-9, 20980594
Fine-tuning of pre-balanced excitation and inhibition during auditory cortical development.
Sun YJ, Wu GK, Liu BH, Li P, Zhou M, Xiao Z, Tao HW, Zhang LI
2010, Nature, 465, 927-31, 20559386
Preceding inhibition silences layer 6 neurons in auditory cortex.
Zhou Y, Liu BH, Wu GK, Kim YJ, Xiao Z, Tao HW, Zhang LI
2010, Neuron, 65, 706-17, 20223205
Intervening inhibition underlies simple-cell receptive field structure in visual cortex.
Liu BH, Li P, Sun YJ, Li YT, Zhang LI, Tao HW
2010, Nature neuroscience, 13, 89-96, 19946318
Visual receptive field structure of cortical inhibitory neurons revealed by two-photon imaging guided recording.
Liu BH, Li P, Li YT, Sun YJ, Yanagawa Y, Obata K, Zhang LI, Tao HW
2009, The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience, 29, 10520-32, 19710305
A genetic strategy for stochastic gene activation with regulated sparseness (STARS).
Wang SZ, Liu BH, Tao HW, Xia K, Zhang LI
2009, PloS one, 4, e4200, 19145242
Lateral sharpening of cortical frequency tuning by approximately balanced inhibition.
Wu GK, Arbuckle R, Liu BH, Tao HW, Zhang LI
2008, Neuron, 58, 132-43, 18400169
Defining cortical frequency tuning with recurrent excitatory circuitry.
Liu BH, Wu GK, Arbuckle R, Tao HW, Zhang LI
2007, Nature neuroscience, 10, 1594-600, 17994013