Christopher Garside
Associate Professor, Teaching Stream
St. George (downtown)
CSB Appointment
Research Areas
Science Pedagogy
Ph.D. University of Toronto 2001,
M.Sc. University of Toronto 1995,
BSc University of Toronto 1992
Primary Undergraduate Department
Cell & Systems Biology
Graduate Programs
Cell & Systems Biology
Academic or Administrative Appointments
Research Description
As a lecturer I am dedicated to being approachable, enthusiastic, inspiring and effective. I strive to create an interactive environment where students are given the opportunity to take risks and question accepted theories, leading to the development of critical thinking. My pedagogical interests include finding ways to increase student engagement with lecture and laboratory materials by providing students with transferrable concepts and skills. For example, I am integrating innovative scaffolded writing assignments into undergraduate courses in the Department of Cell and Systems Biology. As a necessary corollary to this goal, I am dedicated to investigating the best ways to train our TAs in order to facilitate the engagement of our undergraduate students in laboratories.
Contact Information
Office Phone: 416-978-7780
Office: RW206e
Mailing Address
Department of Cell & Systems Biology
University of Toronto
25 Harbord St.
Toronto, ON M5S 3G5
Mosquito natriuretic peptide identified as a calcitonin-like diuretic hormone in Anopheles gambiae (Giles)
Coast GM, Garside CS, Webster SG, Schegg KM, Schooley DA
2005, The Journal of experimental biology, 208, 3281-91, 16109890