Eyal Gruntman
Assistant Professor
CSB Appointment
Research Areas
Animal Biology, Neurobiology
Ph.D in Biological Sciences Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory School of Biological Sciences 2012; M.Sc. in Zoology Tel-Aviv University 2005
Graduate Programs
Cell and Systems Biology
Research Description
We study fundamental visual computations in the powerful model organism Drosophila melanogaster. Flies clearly see the world in a different way than we do, yet they still need to find mates, avoid predators, and fly around without crashing into obstacles. Since vision is their main modality for these tasks, these computations have to be fast, reliable, robust, and performed with only 100K neurons. We use a combination of electrophysiology, imaging, behavioural experiments, and connectomics analysis to understand visual computations and uncover fundamental principles of how brains assemble complex percepts.
Contact Information
Office Phone: 416-208-2742
Office: SW526
Lab: SW527
Mailing Address
Department of Biological Sciences
University of Toronto
1265 Military Trail
Scarborough, ON M1C 1A4
Lappalainen JK, Tschopp FD, Prakhya S, McGill M, Nern A, Shinomiya K, Takemura S, Gruntman E, Macke JH, Turaga SC
2023, , 10.1101/2023.03.11.532232
Zhao A, Gruntman E, Nern A, Iyer NA, Rogers EM, Koskela S, Siwanowicz I, Dreher M, Flynn MA, Laughland CW, Ludwig HD, Thomson AG, Moran CP, Gezahegn B, Bock DD, Reiser MB
2022, , 10.1101/2022.12.14.520178
Non-preferred contrast responses in the Drosophila motion pathways reveal a receptive field structure that explains a common visual illusion
Gruntman E, Reimers P, Romani S, Reiser MB
2021, Current Biology, 10.1016/j.cub.2021.09.072
The computation of directional selectivity in the Drosophila OFF motion pathway
Gruntman E, Romani S, Reiser MB
2019, eLife, 10.7554/eLife.50706
Simple integration of fast excitation and offset, delayed inhibition computes directional selectivity in Drosophila
Gruntman E, Romani S, Reiser MB
2018, Nature Neuroscience, 10.1038/s41593-017-0046-4
Integration of the olfactory code across dendritic claws of single mushroom body neurons
Gruntman E, Turner GC
2013, Nature Neuroscience, 10.1038/nn.3547
Two-Photon Imaging of Population Activity with Genetically Encoded Calcium Indicators in Living Flies
Campbell RAA, Honegger KS, Gruntman E, Turner GC
2012, , 10.1007/978-1-62703-014-4_7
Kismeth: Analyzer of plant methylation states through bisulfite sequencing
Gruntman E, Qi Y, Slotkin RK, Roeder T, Martienssen RA, Sachidanandam R
2008, BMC Bioinformatics, 10.1186/1471-2105-9-371