Guillaume Filion
Assistant Professor
CSB Appointment
Research Areas
Bioinformatics / Computational Biology, Genetics / Genomics
Ph.D University Paris 7 Denis Diderot 2007
MSc Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon 2002
Primary Undergraduate Department
Biological Sciences
Research Description
In traditional folk tales, fairies bend over the cradles of the newborns to curse them or bless them. In modern science, fairies have been replaced by genes: they are the ultimate resource of an organism to make it through life. In order to keep the organism alive, gene networks must face three challenges: (1) to remain stable as the environment changes, (2) to change state as the environment remains constant, and (3) to overcome hijacking threats from viruses.
Our laboratory studies how genomes store and release information to meet those challenges. Our approach typically borrows from the fields of complex systems and from “big data”. We design genome-wide technologies to acquire data, and use machine learning methods to make sense of them.
Our present focus is on adversarial regulations between hosts and viruses. We use HIV as a model virus to understand how cells mount a response to shut down the expression of the virus. In parallel, we study how the virus escapes detection and hijacks the expression program of the cell to complete its own replication cycle. This work sheds light on how genomes protect themselves against viral infections and other genetic aggressors.
Contact Information
Office Phone: 416-287-8146
Office: SW540
Lab: SW325
Lab Phone: 647-372-1781
Mailing Address
Department of Cell & Systems Biology
University of Toronto
1265 Military Trail
Scarborough, ON M1C 1A4
Recent News
December 20, 2022
Congratulations to CSB’s Graduate Student Award Recipients!
Congratulations to our Graduate Students who earned recognition for their accomplishments at our Graduate Student Awards on December 19th, 2022!…
Strand asymmetry influences mismatch resolution during a single-strand annealing.
Pokusaeva VO, Diez AR, Espinar L, Pérez AT, Filion GJ
2022, Genome biology, 23, 93, 35414014
Chromosome compartments on the inactive X guide TAD formation independently of transcription during X-reactivation.
Bauer M, Vidal E, Zorita E, Üresin N, Pinter SF, Filion GJ, Payer B
2021, Nature communications, 12, 3499, 34108480
Spatially clustered loci with multiple enhancers are frequent targets of HIV-1 integration.
Lucic B, Chen HC, Kuzman M, Zorita E, Wegner J, Minneker V, Wang W, Fronza R, Laufs S, Schmidt M, Stadhouders R, Roukos V, Vlahovicek K, Filion GJ, Lusic M
2019, Nature communications, 10, 4059, 31492853
Theoretical principles of transcription factor traffic on folded chromatin.
Cortini R, Filion GJ
2018, Nature communications, 9, 1740, 29712907
Position effects influence HIV latency reversal.
Chen HC, Martinez JP, Zorita E, Meyerhans A, Filion GJ
2017, Nature structural & molecular biology, 24, 47-54, 27870832