Hai-Ying (Mary) Cheng
CSB Appointment
Research Areas
Animal Biology, Neurobiology, Physiology
Titles and Honors
Canada Research Chair in Molecular Genetics of Biological Clocks
Primary Undergraduate Department
Biology, UTM
Graduate Programs
Cell & Systems Biology
Research Description
Circadian clock mechanisms in mammals; genetic determinants of adult neurogenesis.
Contact Information
Office Phone: 905-569-4299
Office: DV3044
Lab: DV A4021
Lab Phone: 905-569-5689
Mailing Address
Department of Biology
University of Toronto
3359 Mississauga Road
Mississauga, ON L5L 1C6
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December 20, 2022
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Revealing a role of microRNAs in the regulation of the biological clock
Cheng HY, Obrietan K
2007, Cell cycle (Georgetown, Tex.), 6, 3034-5, 18075311
microRNA modulation of circadian-clock period and entrainment
Cheng HY, Papp JW, Varlamova O, Dziema H, Russell B, Curfman JP, Nakazawa T, Shimizu K, Okamura H, Impey S, Obrietan K
2007, Neuron, 54, 813-29, 17553428
Cannabinoids excite hypothalamic melanin-concentrating hormone but inhibit hypocretin/orexin neurons: implications for cannabinoid actions on food intake and cognitive arousal
Huang H, Acuna-Goycolea C, Li Y, Cheng HM, Obrietan K, van den Pol AN
2007, The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience, 27, 4870-81, 17475795
The molecular gatekeeper Dexras1 sculpts the photic responsiveness of the mammalian circadian clock
Cheng HY, Dziema H, Papp J, Mathur DP, Koletar M, Ralph MR, Penninger JM, Obrietan K
2006, The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience, 26, 12984-95, 17167088
Dexras1: shaping the responsiveness of the circadian clock
Cheng HY, Obrietan K
2006, Seminars in cell & developmental biology, 17, 345-51, 16765612
Light stimulates MSK1 activation in the suprachiasmatic nucleus via a PACAP-ERK/MAP kinase-dependent mechanism
Butcher GQ, Lee B, Cheng HY, Obrietan K
2005, The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience, 25, 5305-13, 15930378
Dexras1 potentiates photic and suppresses nonphotic responses of the circadian clock
Cheng HY, Obrietan K, Cain SW, Lee BY, Agostino PV, Joza NA, Harrington ME, Ralph MR, Penninger JM
2004, Neuron, 43, 715-28, 15339652
DREAM ablation selectively alters THC place aversion and analgesia but leaves intact the motivational and analgesic effects of morphine
Cheng HY, Laviolette SR, van der Kooy D, Penninger JM
2004, The European journal of neuroscience, 19, 3033-41, 15182311
MKK7 couples stress signalling to G2/M cell-cycle progression and cellular senescence
Wada T, Joza N, Cheng HY, Sasaki T, Kozieradzki I, Bachmaier K, Katada T, Schreiber M, Wagner EF, Nishina H, Penninger JM
2004, Nature cell biology, 6, 215-26, 15039780
Regulation of myocardial contractility and cell size by distinct PI3K-PTEN signaling pathways
Crackower MA, Oudit GY, Kozieradzki I, Sarao R, Sun H, Sasaki T, Hirsch E, Suzuki A, Shioi T, Irie-Sasaki J, Sah R, Cheng HY, Rybin VO, Lembo G, Fratta L, Oliveira-dos-Santos AJ, Benovic JL, Kahn CR, Izumo S, Steinberg SF, Wymann MP, Backx PH, Penninger JM
2002, Cell, 110, 737-49, 12297047
DREAM is a critical transcriptional repressor for pain modulation
Cheng HY, Pitcher GM, Laviolette SR, Whishaw IQ, Tong KI, Kockeritz LK, Wada T, Joza NA, Crackower M, Goncalves J, Sarosi I, Woodgett JR, Oliveira-dos-Santos AJ, Ikura M, van der Kooy D, Salter MW, Penninger JM
2002, Cell, 108, 31-43, 11792319
Calcium-regulated DNA binding and oligomerization of the neuronal calcium-sensing protein, calsenilin/DREAM/KChIP3
Osawa M, Tong KI, Lilliehook C, Wasco W, Buxbaum JD, Cheng HY, Penninger JM, Ikura M, Ames JB
2001, The Journal of biological chemistry, 276, 41005-13, 11535596
Essential role of the mitochondrial apoptosis-inducing factor in programmed cell death
Joza N, Susin SA, Daugas E, Stanford WL, Cho SK, Li CY, Sasaki T, Elia AJ, Cheng HY, Ravagnan L, Ferri KF, Zamzami N, Wakeham A, Hakem R, Yoshida H, Kong YY, Mak TW, Zúñiga-Pflücker JC, Kroemer G, Penninger JM
2001, Nature, 410, 549-54, 11279485
CD45 is a JAK phosphatase and negatively regulates cytokine receptor signalling
Irie-Sasaki J, Sasaki T, Matsumoto W, Opavsky A, Cheng M, Welstead G, Griffiths E, Krawczyk C, Richardson CD, Aitken K, Iscove N, Koretzky G, Johnson P, Liu P, Rothstein DM, Penninger JM
2001, Nature, 409, 349-54, 11201744