Joanne E. Nash
Associate Professor
CSB Appointment
Research Areas
Ph.D. University of Manchester (UK) 1999
M.Sc.. University of Manchester (UK) 1996
B.Sc. (Hons) University of Aberdeen (UK) 1995
Primary Undergraduate Department
Biological Sciences, UTSC
Graduate Programs
Cell & Systems Biology
Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
Academic or Administrative Appointments
Program Supervisor for Cell and Molecular Biology (UTSC campus)
Research Description
We employ a multidisciplinary approach to understand the cell and molecular mechanisms underlying neurological diseases such as Parkinson’s disease. It is hoped that these studies will lead to better treatments for patients suffering from these diseases.
Contact Information
Office Phone: 416-287-7445
Office: S532
Lab: S529
Lab Phone: 416-208-4833
Mailing Address
Department of Cell & Systems Biology
University of Toronto
1265 Military Trail
Scarborough, ON M1C 1A4
A novel MDMA analogue, UWA-101, that lacks psychoactivity and cytotoxicity, enhances L-DOPA benefit in parkinsonian primates
Johnston TH, Millar Z, Huot P, Wagg K, Thiele S, Salomonczyk D, Yong-Kee CJ, Gandy MN, McIldowie M, Lewis KD, Gomez-Ramirez J, Lee J, Fox SH, Martin-Iverson M, Nash JE, Piggott MJ, Brotchie JM
2012, FASEB journal : official publication of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, 26, 2154-63, 22345403
Development of a unilaterally-lesioned 6-OHDA mouse model of Parkinson’s disease
Thiele SL, Warre R, Nash JE
2012, Journal of visualized experiments : JoVE, 22370630
Generation of a model of L-DOPA-induced dyskinesia in two different mouse strains
Thiele SL, Warre R, Khademullah CS, Fahana N, Lo C, Lam D, Talwar S, Johnston TH, Brotchie JM, Nash JE
2011, Journal of neuroscience methods, 197, 193-208, 21352853
LTP in hippocampal neurons is associated with a CaMKII-mediated increase in GluA1 surface expression
Appleby VJ, Corrêa SA, Duckworth JK, Nash JE, Noël J, Fitzjohn SM, Collingridge GL, Molnár E
2011, Journal of neurochemistry, 116, 530-43, 21143596
Altered function of glutamatergic cortico-striatal synapses causes output pathway abnormalities in a chronic model of parkinsonism
Warre R, Thiele S, Talwar S, Kamal M, Johnston TH, Wang S, Lam D, Lo C, Khademullah CS, Perera G, Reyes G, Sun XS, Brotchie JM, Nash JE
2011, Neurobiology of disease, 41, 591-604, 20971190
Disruption of the interaction between myosin VI and SAP97 is associated with a reduction in the number of AMPARs at hippocampal synapses
Nash JE, Appleby VJ, Corrêa SA, Wu H, Fitzjohn SM, Garner CC, Collingridge GL, Molnár E
2010, Journal of neurochemistry, 112, 677-90, 19895665
To serve and protect? Interventions in the subthalamic nucleus for Parkinson’s disease. Commentary on “Ablation of the subthalamic nucleus protects dopaminergic phenotype but not cell survival in a rat model of Parkinson’s disease”
Kalia SK, Nash JE, Lozano AM
2004, Experimental neurology, 185, 201-3, 14736500
Interaction of SAP97 with minus-end-directed actin motor myosin VI. Implications for AMPA receptor trafficking
Wu H, Nash JE, Zamorano P, Garner CC
2002, The Journal of biological chemistry, 277, 30928-34, 12050163