Katharina Braeutigam
Assistant Professor
CSB Appointment
Research Areas
Bioinformatics / Computational Biology, Biotechnology, Cell Biology, Developmental Biology, Genetics / Genomics, Physiology, Plant Biology, Systems Biology
Ph.D. Friedrich-Schiller University Jena Germany 2008
Titles and Honors
Connaught Scholar (2017-2019)
Primary Undergraduate Department
Biology, UTM
Graduate Programs
Cell & Systems Biology
Research Description
Our lab is interested in the intricate relationships between epigenome, genome, and phenotype in plants. We focus on stress responses, climate change-related adjustments, and developmental transitions combining high-throughput genome scans & bioinformatics with cell & molecular biology and modern phenotyping.
Contact Information
Office Phone: 905-569-4777
Office: DV3035
Lab: DV3014
Mailing Address
Department of Biology
University of Toronto
3359 Mississauga Road
Mississauga, ON L5L 1C6
Recent News
January 18, 2023
CSPB awards for CSB’s dedicated plant scientists
CSB students won multiple awards at the annual regional meeting of the Canadian Society for Plant Biology, held at University of Toronto Scarborough…
Gene expression trajectories during male and female reproductive development in balsam poplar (Populus balsamifera L.)
Cronk Q, Soolanayakanahally R, Bräutigam K
2020, Scientific Reports, 10.1038/s41598-020-64938-w
A single gene underlies the dynamic evolution of poplar sex determination
Müller NA, Kersten B, Leite Montalvão AP, Mähler N, Bernhardsson C, Bräutigam K, Carracedo Lorenzo Z, Hoenicka H, Kumar V, Mader M, Pakull B, Robinson KM, Sabatti M, Vettori C, Ingvarsson PK, Cronk Q, Street NR, Fladung M
2020, Nature Plants, 10.1038/s41477-020-0672-9
Champions of winter survival: cold acclimation and molecular regulation of cold hardiness in evergreen conifers
Chang CY, Bräutigam K, Hüner NPA, Ensminger I
2020, New Phytologist, 10.1111/nph.16904
DNA Methylation and the Evolution of Developmental Complexity in Plants.
Bräutigam K, Cronk Q
2018, Frontiers in plant science, 9, 1447, 30349550
Sexual epigenetics: gender-specific methylation of a gene in the sex determining region of Populus balsamifera.
Bräutigam K, Soolanayakanahally R, Champigny M, Mansfield S, Douglas C, Campbell MM, Cronk Q
2017, Scientific reports, 7, 45388, 28345647
Transgenic expression of fungal accessory hemicellulases in Arabidopsis thaliana triggers transcriptional patterns related to biotic stress and defense response.
Tsai AY, Chan K, Ho CY, Canam T, Capron R, Master ER, Bräutigam K
2017, PloS one, 12, e0173094, 28253318
Leaf size serves as a proxy for xylem vulnerability to cavitation in plantation trees.
Schreiber SG, Hacke UG, Chamberland S, Lowe CW, Kamelchuk D, Bräutigam K, Campbell MM, Thomas BR
2016, Plant, cell & environment, 39, 272-81, 26177991
Epigenetic regulation of adaptive responses of forest tree species to the environment.
Bräutigam K, Vining KJ, Lafon-Placette C, Fossdal CG, Mirouze M, Marcos JG, Fluch S, Fraga MF, Guevara MÁ, Abarca D, Johnsen O, Maury S, Strauss SH, Campbell MM, Rohde A, Díaz-Sala C, Cervera MT
2013, Ecology and evolution, 3, 399-415, 23467802
Photosystem II supercomplex remodeling serves as an entry mechanism for state transitions in Arabidopsis.
Dietzel L, Bräutigam K, Steiner S, Schüffler K, Lepetit B, Grimm B, Schöttler MA, Pfannschmidt T
2011, The Plant cell, 23, 2964-77, 21880991
Clone history shapes Populus drought responses.
Raj S, Bräutigam K, Hamanishi ET, Wilkins O, Thomas BR, Schroeder W, Mansfield SD, Plant AL, Campbell MM
2011, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 108, 12521-6, 21746919
Time of day shapes Arabidopsis drought transcriptomes.
Wilkins O, Bräutigam K, Campbell MM
2010, The Plant journal : for cell and molecular biology, 63, 715-27, 20553421
Hypothesis: A binary redox control mode as universal regulator of photosynthetic light acclimation.
Bräutigam K, Dietzel L, Pfannschmidt T
2010, Plant signaling & behavior, 5, 81-5, 20592819
Dynamic plastid redox signals integrate gene expression and metabolism to induce distinct metabolic states in photosynthetic acclimation in Arabidopsis.
Bräutigam K, Dietzel L, Kleine T, Ströher E, Wormuth D, Dietz KJ, Radke D, Wirtz M, Hell R, Dörmann P, Nunes-Nesi A, Schauer N, Fernie AR, Oliver SN, Geigenberger P, Leister D, Pfannschmidt T
2009, The Plant cell, 21, 2715-32, 19737978
The long-term response to fluctuating light quality is an important and distinct light acclimation mechanism that supports survival of Arabidopsis thaliana under low light conditions.
Wagner R, Dietzel L, Bräutigam K, Fischer W, Pfannschmidt T
2008, Planta, 228, 573-87, 18542996
Photosynthetic acclimation: state transitions and adjustment of photosystem stoichiometry–functional relationships between short-term and long-term light quality acclimation in plants.
Dietzel L, Bräutigam K, Pfannschmidt T
2008, The FEBS journal, 275, 1080-8, 18318835
Photosynthetic redox control of nuclear gene expression.
Fey V, Wagner R, Bräutigam K, Pfannschmidt T
2005, Journal of experimental botany, 56, 1491-8, 15863445
Retrograde plastid redox signals in the expression of nuclear genes for chloroplast proteins of Arabidopsis thaliana.
Fey V, Wagner R, Braütigam K, Wirtz M, Hell R, Dietzmann A, Leister D, Oelmüller R, Pfannschmidt T
2005, The Journal of biological chemistry, 280, 5318-28, 15561727