Patricia Romans
Professor Emerita
St. George (downtown)
CSB Appointment
Primary Undergraduate Department
Cell & Systems Biology
Research Description
Contact Information
Office Phone: RW105C
Mailing Address
Department of Cell & Systems Biology
University of Toronto
25 Harbord St.
Toronto, ON M5S 3G5
The Anopheles gambiae vitellogenin gene (VGT2) promoter directs persistent accumulation of a reporter gene product in transgenic Anopheles stephensi following multiple bloodmeals
Chen XG, Marinotti O, Whitman L, Jasinskiene N, James AA, Romans P
2007, The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene, 76, 1118-24, 17556621
Differential gene expression in abdomens of the malaria vector mosquito, Anopheles gambiae, after sugar feeding, blood feeding and Plasmodium berghei infection
Dana AN, Hillenmeyer ME, Lobo NF, Kern MK, Romans PA, Collins FH
2006, BMC genomics, 7, 119, 16712725
Gene expression patterns associated with blood-feeding in the malaria mosquito Anopheles gambiae
Dana AN, Hong YS, Kern MK, Hillenmeyer ME, Harker BW, Lobo NF, Hogan JR, Romans P, Collins FH
2005, BMC genomics, 6, 5, 15651988
Encapsulation of Myxobolus pendula (Myxosporidia) by epithelioid cells of its cyprinid host Semotilus atromaculatus
Koehler A, Romans P, Desser S, Ringuette M
2004, The Journal of parasitology, 90, 1401-5, 15715236