Peter McCourt
St. George (downtown)
CSB Appointment
Research Areas
Bioinformatics / Computational Biology, Chemical Biology, Developmental Biology, Genetics / Genomics, Molecular Biology, Plant Biology, Systems Biology
Ph.D. Michigan State University 1986
M.Sc. Genetics University of Alberta 1983
B.Sc. Genetics University of Alberta 1978
Titles and Honors
Canada Research Chair in Plant Molecular Biology
Jack Dainty Distinguished Professor
Primary Undergraduate Department
Cell & Systems Biology
Graduate Programs
Cell & Systems Biology
Research Description
The general objectives of our research group are the development of genetic, genomic and chemical biology screening technologies to identify genes that control the synthesis and signaling of select plant hormones. Presently, we are focused on two hormones, abscisic acid (ABA) and strigolactones (SLs). ABA is involved in protecting plants from abiotic stresses such as drought and cold. We are developing meso-scale genetic and protein-protein interaction maps between a few hundred genes involved in the ABA response in Arabidopsis. With an understanding of these ABA networks, it will be possible to make rational improvements in crop species. Towards this end, we are presently translating information garnered from Arabidopsis to crops such as canola and soybean. Although SLs, also have many hormonal roles in Arabidopsis, these compounds are mostly known for their ability to act as germination cues in host/parasite plant interactions. These parasites have evolved strong seed dormancy, which is broken only when they sense SLs extruding from a host’s root. The use of SLs as a germination cue, which allows the parasite to coordinate its lifecycle with its host, has devastating consequences for developing world agriculture. In sub-Saharan Africa alone, parasitic plants have infested up to two-thirds of the arable land and represent one of the largest challenges to food security on that continent, affecting over 100 million people. To directly combat this major problem, we are developing high throughput chemical genomics screens to identify SL mimics that fool parasitic plants into germinating in the absence of a host.
Contact Information
Office Phone: 416-978-0523
Office: ESC4059
Lab: ESC4055
Lab Phone: 416-978-0837
Mailing Address
Department of Cell & Systems Biology
University of Toronto
25 Willcocks St.
Toronto, ON M5S 3B2
Recent News
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May 7, 2024
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June 2, 2023
End of the tunnel for crop loss due to parasitic plants
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Modulation of fungal phosphate homeostasis by the plant hormone strigolactone
Bradley JM, Bunsick M, Ly G, Aquino B, Wang FZ, Holbrook-Smith D, Suginoo S, Bradizza D, Kato N, As’sadiq O, Marsh N, Osada H, Boyer F, McErlean CS, Tsuchiya Y, Subramaniam R, Bonetta D, McCourt P, Lumba S
2024, Molecular Cell, 10.1016/j.molcel.2024.09.004
Structural analysis of a hormone-bound Striga strigolactone receptor
Arellano-Saab A, Skarina T, Xu Z, McErlean CSP, Savchenko A, Lumba S, Stogios PJ, McCourt P
2023, Nature Plants, https://doi.org/10.1038/s41477-023-01423-y
50 years of Arabidopsis research: highlights and future directions
Provart NJ, Alonso J, Assmann SM, Bergmann D, Brady SM, Brkljacic J, Browse J, Chapple C, Colot V, Cutler S, Dangl J, Ehrhardt D, Friesner JD, Frommer WB, Grotewold E, Meyerowitz E, Nemhauser J, Nordborg M, Pikaard C, Shanklin J, Somerville C, Stitt M, Torii KU, Waese J, Wagner D, McCourt P
2015, The New phytologist, 26465351
Structure-function analysis identifies highly sensitive strigolactone receptors in Striga
Toh S, Holbrook-Smith D, Stogios PJ, Onopriyenko O, Lumba S, Tsuchiya Y, Savchenko A, McCourt P
2015, Science (New York, N.Y.), 350, 203-7, 26450211
PARASITIC PLANTS. Probing strigolactone receptors in Striga hermonthica with fluorescence
Tsuchiya Y, Yoshimura M, Sato Y, Kuwata K, Toh S, Holbrook-Smith D, Zhang H, McCourt P, Itami K, Kinoshita T, Hagihara S
2015, Science (New York, N.Y.), 349, 864-8, 26293962
Detection of Parasitic Plant Suicide Germination Compounds Using a High-Throughput Arabidopsis HTL/KAI2 Strigolactone Perception System
Toh S, Holbrook-Smith D, Stokes ME, Tsuchiya Y, McCourt P
2014, Chemistry & biology, 21, 988-98, 25126711
Towards personalized agriculture: what chemical genomics can bring to plant biotechnology
Stokes ME, McCourt P
2014, Frontiers in plant science, 5, 344, 25183965
A mesoscale abscisic acid hormone interactome reveals a dynamic signaling landscape in Arabidopsis
Lumba S, Toh S, Handfield LF, Swan M, Liu R, Youn JY, Cutler SR, Subramaniam R, Provart N, Moses A, Desveaux D, McCourt P
2014, Developmental cell, 29, 360-72, 24823379
ABI3 controls embryo degreening through Mendel’s I locus
Delmas F, Sankaranarayanan S, Deb S, Widdup E, Bournonville C, Bollier N, Northey JG, McCourt P, Samuel MA
2013, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 110, E3888-94, 24043799
Characterization of a cruciferin deficient mutant of Arabidopsis and its utility for overexpression of foreign proteins in plants
Lin Y, Pajak A, Marsolais F, McCourt P, Riggs CD
2013, PloS one, 8, e64980, 23724110
Forward genetic screening for the improved production of fermentable sugars from plant biomass
Stamatiou G, Vidaurre DP, Shim I, Tang X, Moeder W, Bonetta D, McCourt P
2013, PloS one, 8, e55616, 23383246
HY5 is involved in strigolactone-dependent seed germination in Arabidopsis
Toh S, McCourt P, Tsuchiya Y
2012, Plant signaling & behavior, 7, 556-8, 22516816
The embryonic leaf identity gene FUSCA3 regulates vegetative phase transitions by negatively modulating ethylene-regulated gene expression in Arabidopsis
Lumba S, Tsuchiya Y, Delmas F, Hezky J, Provart NJ, Shi Lu Q, McCourt P, Gazzarrini S
2012, BMC biology, 10, 8, 22348746
Thermoinhibition uncovers a role for strigolactones in Arabidopsis seed germination
Toh S, Kamiya Y, Kawakami N, Nambara E, McCourt P, Tsuchiya Y
2012, Plant & cell physiology, 53, 107-17, 22173099
Strigolactones as small molecule communicators
Tsuchiya Y, McCourt P
2012, Molecular bioSystems, 8, 464-9, 22027812
Next-generation mapping of Arabidopsis genes
Austin RS, Vidaurre D, Stamatiou G, Breit R, Provart NJ, Bonetta D, Zhang J, Fung P, Gong Y, Wang PW, McCourt P, Guttman DS
2011, The Plant journal : for cell and molecular biology, 67, 715-25, 21518053
A small-molecule screen identifies new functions for the plant hormone strigolactone
Tsuchiya Y, Vidaurre D, Toh S, Hanada A, Nambara E, Kamiya Y, Yamaguchi S, McCourt P
2010, Nature chemical biology, 6, 741-9, 20818397
Arabidopsis: a rich harvest 10 years after completion of the genome sequence
McCourt P, Benning C
2010, The Plant journal : for cell and molecular biology, 61, 905-8, 20409265
Plant nuclear hormone receptors: a role for small molecules in protein-protein interactions
Lumba S, Cutler S, McCourt P
2010, Annual review of cell and developmental biology, 26, 445-69, 20590451
Strigolactones: a new hormone with a past
Tsuchiya Y, McCourt P
2009, Current opinion in plant biology, 12, 556-61, 19726222
Abscisic acid inhibits type 2C protein phosphatases via the PYR/PYL family of START proteins
Park SY, Fung P, Nishimura N, Jensen DR, Fujii H, Zhao Y, Lumba S, Santiago J, Rodrigues A, Chow TF, Alfred SE, Bonetta D, Finkelstein R, Provart NJ, Desveaux D, Rodriguez PL, McCourt P, Zhu JK, Schroeder JI, Volkman BF, Cutler SR
2009, Science (New York, N.Y.), 324, 1068-71, 19407142
Using reverse genetics to develop small knockout collections for specific biological questions
Northey J, McCourt P
2009, Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.), 495, 1-10, 19085154
CHOTTO1, a double AP2 domain protein of Arabidopsis thaliana, regulates germination and seedling growth under excess supply of glucose and nitrate
Yamagishi K, Tatematsu K, Yano R, Preston J, Kitamura S, Takahashi H, McCourt P, Kamiya Y, Nambara E
2009, Plant & cell physiology, 50, 330-40, 19109301
The ABA receptors — we report you decide
McCourt P, Creelman R
2008, Current opinion in plant biology, 11, 474-8, 18774332
A novel role for protein farnesylation in plant innate immunity
Goritschnig S, Weihmann T, Zhang Y, Fobert P, McCourt P, Li X
2008, Plant physiology, 148, 348-57, 18599656
The synthesis of the rhamnogalacturonan II component 3-deoxy-D-manno-2-octulosonic acid (Kdo) is required for pollen tube growth and elongation
Delmas F, Séveno M, Northey JG, Hernould M, Lerouge P, McCourt P, Chevalier C
2008, Journal of experimental botany, 59, 2639-47, 18503041
Plant hormone receptors: perception is everything
Chow B, McCourt P
2006, Genes & development, 20, 1998-2008, 16882977
A small-molecule screen in C. elegans yields a new calcium channel antagonist
Kwok TC, Ricker N, Fraser R, Chan AW, Burns A, Stanley EF, McCourt P, Cutler SR, Roy PJ
2006, Nature, 441, 91-5, 16672971
High-throughput screening of small molecules for bioactivity and target identification in Caenorhabditis elegans
Burns AR, Kwok TC, Howard A, Houston E, Johanson K, Chan A, Cutler SR, McCourt P, Roy PJ
2006, Nature protocols, 1, 1906-14, 17487175
Preventing leaf identity theft with hormones
Lumba S, McCourt P
2005, Current opinion in plant biology, 8, 501-5, 16054431
Molecular tailoring of farnesylation for plant drought tolerance and yield protection
Wang Y, Ying J, Kuzma M, Chalifoux M, Sample A, McArthur C, Uchacz T, Sarvas C, Wan J, Dennis DT, McCourt P, Huang Y
2005, The Plant journal : for cell and molecular biology, 43, 413-24, 16045476
Dude, where’s my phenotype? Dealing with redundancy in signaling networks
Cutler S, McCourt P
2005, Plant physiology, 138, 558-9, 15955914
Systems approaches to understanding cell signaling and gene regulation
Provart NJ, McCourt P
2004, Current opinion in plant biology, 7, 605-9, 15337105
The transcription factor FUSCA3 controls developmental timing in Arabidopsis through the hormones gibberellin and abscisic acid
Gazzarrini S, Tsuchiya Y, Lumba S, Okamoto M, McCourt P
2004, Developmental cell, 7, 373-85, 15363412
The FUS3 transcription factor functions through the epidermal regulator TTG1 during embryogenesis in Arabidopsis
Tsuchiya Y, Nambara E, Naito S, McCourt P
2004, The Plant journal : for cell and molecular biology, 37, 73-81, 14675433
Hormone signalling from a developmental context
Chow B, McCourt P
2004, Journal of experimental botany, 55, 247-51, 14673027
Lack of recognition of Nepsilon-(carboxymethyl)lysine by the mouse liver reticulo-endothelial system: implications for pathophysiology
Svistounov DN, Berg TJ, McCourt PA, Zykova SN, Elvevold KH, Nagai R, Horiuchi S, Smedsrod BH
2003, Biochemical and biophysical research communications, 309, 786-91, 13679041
Cross-talk in plant hormone signalling: what Arabidopsis mutants are telling us
Gazzarrini S, McCourt P
2003, Annals of botany, 91, 605-12, 12714359
The ABSCISIC ACID INSENSITIVE 3 (ABI3) gene is modulated by farnesylation and is involved in auxin signaling and lateral root development in Arabidopsis
Brady SM, Sarkar SF, Bonetta D, McCourt P
2003, The Plant journal : for cell and molecular biology, 34, 67-75, 12662310
Hormone evolution: The key to signalling
Kushiro T, Nambara E, McCourt P
2003, Nature, 422, 122, 12634761
A screen for genes that function in abscisic acid signaling in Arabidopsis thaliana
Nambara E, Suzuki M, Abrams S, McCarty DR, Kamiya Y, McCourt P
2002, Genetics, 161, 1247-55, 12136027