Robert Bonin
Assistant Professor
St. George (downtown)
CSB Appointment
Research Areas
Neurobiology, Physiology
Ph.D. University of Toronto 2010
BSc McMaster University 2004
Primary Undergraduate Department
Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy
Graduate Programs
Cell and Systems Biology
Academic or Administrative Appointments
Canada Research Chair in Sensory Plasticity and Reconsolidation
Scientist of the University of Toronto Center for the Study of Pain
Research Description
We use in vivo and in vitro approaches to identify and address cellular mechanisms of pathological sensory plasticity contributing to chronic pain and sensory disorders.
Contact Information
Office Phone: 416-978-2716
Office: 1004
Lab: 1038
Lab Phone: 416-946-5951
Mailing Address
Leslie L. Dan Pharmacy Building
144 College Street
Toronto, ON M5S 3M2
LINK: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/?term=bonin+rp
Nociceptor activity induces nonionotropic NMDA receptor signaling to enable spinal reconsolidation and reverse pathological pain
Zhang H, Rodriguez-Hernandez LD, D’Souza AJ, He D, Zain M, Fung SW, Bennett LA, Bonin RP
2023, Science Advances, 10.1126/sciadv.adg2819
Physical Contact Promotes the Development of Emotional Contagion Between Mice
Lecker I, Yini X, Zhang H, Bonin RP
2021, Neuroscience, 10.1016/j.neuroscience.2020.11.030
Cage-lid hanging behavior as a translationally relevant measure of pain in mice
Zhang H, Lecker I, Collymore C, Dokova A, Pham MC, Rosen SF, Crawhall-Duk H, Zain M, Valencia M, Filippini HF, Li J, D\'Souza AJ, Cho C, Michailidis V, Whissell PD, Patel I, Steenland HW, Virginia Lee W, Moayedi M, Sterley T, Bains JS, Stratton JA, Matyas JR, Biernaskie J, Dubins D, Vukobradovic I, Bezginov A, Flenniken AM, Martin LJ, Mogil JS, Bonin RP
2020, Pain, 10.1097/j.pain.0000000000002127