Sherwin S. Desser
Professor Emeritus
St. George (downtown)
CSB Appointment
Research Areas
Microbiology, Pathology
Ph.D. University of Toronto, 1967
Primary Undergraduate Department
Cell & Systems Biology
Graduate Programs
Cell & Systems Biology
Research Description
Contact Information
Office Phone: 416-978-6956
Office: RW 601B
Mailing Address
Department of Cell & Systems Biology
University of Toronto
25 Harbord St.
Toronto, ON M5S 3G5
Shared antigenicity between the polar filaments of myxosporeans and other Cnidaria
Ringuette MJ, Koehler A, Desser SS
2011, The Journal of parasitology, 97, 163-6, 21348629
Acceptance of the Clark P. Read Mentor Award: a privileged life: lessons learned–lessons given
Desser SS
2004, The Journal of parasitology, 90, 1205-7, 15715209
Trichonosema algonquinensis n. sp. (Phylum microsporidia) in Pectinatella magnifica (Bryozoa: phylactolaemata) from Algonquin Park, Ontario, Canada
Desser SS, Koehler A, Barta JR, Kamyab J, Ringuette MJ
2004, The Journal of eukaryotic microbiology, 51, 389-93, 15352320
Leech mycetome endosymbionts are a new lineage of alphaproteobacteria related to the Rhizobiaceae
Siddall ME, Perkins SL, Desser SS
2004, Molecular phylogenetics and evolution, 30, 178-86, 15022768
Introduction of John R. Barta as the Henry Baldwin Ward medalist for 2003
Desser SS
2003, The Journal of parasitology, 89, 1112, 14740897
Environmental factors affecting the distribution and abundance of cyst-forming Myxobolus spp. and their cyprinid hosts in 3 lakes in Algonquin Park, Ontario
Koprivnikar J, Koehler A, Rodd FH, Desser SS
2002, The Journal of parasitology, 88, 467-73, 12099413
Phylogenetic position of the giant anuran trypanosomes Trypanosoma chattoni, Trypanosoma fallisi, Trypanosoma mega, Trypanosoma neveulemairei, and Trypanosoma ranarum inferred from 18S rRNA gene sequences
Martin DS, Wright AD, Barta JR, Desser SS
2002, The Journal of parasitology, 88, 566-71, 12099428
Changes in host and parasite-derived cellular and extracellular matrix components in developing cysts of Myxobolus pendula (Myxozoa)
Martyn AA, Hong H, Ringuette MJ, Desser SS
2002, The Journal of eukaryotic microbiology, 49, 175-82, 12043964