Susannah L. Varmuza
Professor Emerita
St. George (downtown)
CSB Appointment
Research Areas
Developmental Biology, Molecular Biology
Ph.D. McMaster University, 1985
Primary Undergraduate Department
Cell & Systems Biology
Graduate Programs
Cell & Systems Biology
Academic or Administrative Appointments
Associate Chair for Undergraduate Studies
Research Description
My research area is Epigenetics, with a focus on genomic imprinting in mammals and its impact on development.
Contact Information
Office Phone: 416-978-2759
Office: RW537A
Lab: RW537
Lab Phone: 416-946-7220
Mailing Address
Department of Cell & Systems Biology
University of Toronto
25 Harbord St.
Toronto, ON M5S 3G5
Positive regulation of TRAF6-dependent innate immune responses by protein phosphatase PP1-γ
Opaluch AM, Schneider M, Chiang CY, Nguyen QT, Maestre AM, Mulder LC, Secundino I, De Jesus PD, König R, Simon V, Nizet V, MacLeod G, Varmuza S, Fernandez-Sesma A, Chanda SK
2014, PloS one, 9, e89284, 24586659
PPP1CC2 can form a kinase/phosphatase complex with the testis-specific proteins TSSK1 and TSKS in the mouse testis
MacLeod G, Shang P, Booth GT, Mastropaolo LA, Manafpoursakha N, Vogl AW, Varmuza S
2014, Reproduction (Cambridge, England), 147, 1-12, 24088291
The imprinted polycomb group gene Sfmbt2 is required for trophoblast maintenance and placenta development
Miri K, Latham K, Panning B, Zhong Z, Andersen A, Varmuza S
2013, Development (Cambridge, England), 140, 4480-9, 24154523
The application of proteomic approaches to the study of mammalian spermatogenesis and sperm function
Macleod G, Varmuza S
2013, The FEBS journal, 280, 5635-51, 23902417
Tandem affinity purification in transgenic mouse embryonic stem cells identifies DDOST as a novel PPP1CC2 interacting protein
MacLeod G, Varmuza S
2012, Biochemistry, 51, 9678-88, 23140390
Recent acquisition of imprinting at the rodent Sfmbt2 locus correlates with insertion of a large block of miRNAs
Wang Q, Chow J, Hong J, Smith AF, Moreno C, Seaby P, Vrana P, Miri K, Tak J, Chung ED, Mastromonaco G, Caniggia I, Varmuza S
2011, BMC genomics, 12, 204, 21510876
Loss of protein phosphatase 1c{gamma} (PPP1CC) leads to impaired spermatogenesis associated with defects in chromatin condensation and acrosome development: an ultrastructural analysis
Forgione N, Vogl AW, Varmuza S
2010, Reproduction (Cambridge, England), 139, 1021-9, 20385779
Metakaryotic stem cell lineages in organogenesis of humans and other metazoans
Gostjeva EV, Koledova V, Tomita-Mitchell A, Mitchell M, Goetsch MA, Varmuza S, Fomina JN, Darroudi F, Thilly WG
2009, Organogenesis, 5, 191-200, 20539738
Identification of potentially damaging amino acid substitutions leading to human male infertility
Kuzmin A, Jarvi K, Lo K, Spencer L, Chow GY, Macleod G, Wang Q, Varmuza S
2009, Biology of reproduction, 81, 319-26, 19369647
Imprinting and extraembryonic tissues-mom takes control
Miri K, Varmuza S
2009, International review of cell and molecular biology, 276, 215-62, 19584014
The PcG gene Sfmbt2 is paternally expressed in extraembryonic tissues
Kuzmin A, Han Z, Golding MC, Mann MR, Latham KE, Varmuza S
2008, Gene expression patterns : GEP, 8, 107-16, 18024232
A testis specific isoform of endophilin B1, endophilin B1t, interacts specifically with protein phosphatase-1c gamma2 in mouse testis and is abnormally expressed in PP1c gamma null mice
Hrabchak C, Henderson H, Varmuza S
2007, Biochemistry, 46, 4635-44, 17381077
Identification of the spermatogenic zip protein Spz1 as a putative protein phosphatase-1 (PP1) regulatory protein that specifically binds the PP1cgamma2 splice variant in mouse testis
Hrabchak C, Varmuza S
2004, The Journal of biological chemistry, 279, 37079-86, 15226296
Epigenetics and the renaissance of heresy
Varmuza S
2003, Genome / National Research Council Canada = Génome / Conseil national de recherches Canada, 46, 963-7; discussion 968-73, 14663513
Protein phosphatase 1cgamma is required in germ cells in murine testis
Oppedisano-Wells L, Varmuza S
2003, Molecular reproduction and development, 65, 157-66, 12704726
Increased recombination frequency showing evidence of loss of interference is associated with abnormal testicular histopathology
Varmuza S, Ling L
2003, Molecular reproduction and development, 64, 499-506, 12589662