Thomas Berleth
St. George (downtown)
CSB Appointment
Research Areas
Developmental Biology, Molecular Biology, Plant Biology
Primary Undergraduate Department
Cell & Systems Biology
Graduate Programs
Cell & Systems Biology
Research Description
Contact Information
Office Phone: 416-946-3734
Office: ESC4068
Lab: ESC4066
Lab Phone: 416-946-7441
Mailing Address
Department of Cell & Systems Biology
University of Toronto
25 Willcocks St.
Toronto, ON M5S 3B2
Auxin cell biology in plant pattern formation
Caragea AE, Berleth T
2017, Botany, 10.1139/cjb-2016-0156
The auxin response factor MONOPTEROS controls meristem function and organogenesis in both the shoot and root through the direct regulation of PIN genes.
Krogan NT, Marcos D, Weiner AI, Berleth T
2016, The New phytologist, 212, 42-50, 27441727
Overcoming recalcitrance – Auxin response factor functions in plant regeneration.
Ckurshumova W, Berleth T
2015, Plant signaling & behavior, 10, e993293, 26098229
The identification and characterization of specific ARF-Aux/IAA regulatory modules in plant growth and development.
Krogan NT, Berleth T
2015, Plant signaling & behavior, 10, e992748, 25830553
A plant-specific HUA2-LIKE (HULK) gene family in Arabidopsis thaliana is essential for development
Jali SS, Rosloski SM, Janakirama P, Steffen JG, Zhurov V, Berleth T, Clark RM, Grbic V
2014, The Plant journal : for cell and molecular biology, 25070081
Irrepressible MONOPTEROS/ARF5 promotes de novo shoot formation.
Ckurshumova W, Smirnova T, Marcos D, Zayed Y, Berleth T
2014, The New phytologist, 204, 556-66, 25274430
Dynamic auxin transport patterns preceding vein formation revealed by live-imaging of Arabidopsis leaf primordia
Marcos D, Berleth T
2014, Frontiers in plant science, 5, 235, 24966861
Lz-0 × Berkeley: a new Arabidopsis recombinant inbred line population for the mapping of complex traits
Capron A, Chang XF, Shi C, Beatson R, Berleth T
2014, Molecular genetics and genomics : MGG, 289, 417-25, 24532030
Identification of quantitative trait loci controlling fibre length and lignin content in Arabidopsis thaliana stems
Capron A, Chang XF, Hall H, Ellis B, Beatson RP, Berleth T
2013, Journal of experimental botany, 64, 185-97, 23136168
Irrepressible, truncated auxin response factors: natural roles and applications in dissecting auxin gene regulation pathways
Ckurshumova W, Krogan NT, Marcos D, Caragea AE, Berleth T
2012, Plant signaling & behavior, 7, 1027-30, 22827953
A dominant mutation reveals asymmetry in MP/ARF5 function along the adaxial-abaxial axis of shoot lateral organs
Krogan NT, Berleth T
2012, Plant signaling & behavior, 7, 940-3, 22751359
Deletion of MP/ARF5 domains III and IV reveals a requirement for Aux/IAA regulation in Arabidopsis leaf vascular patterning
Krogan NT, Ckurshumova W, Marcos D, Caragea AE, Berleth T
2012, The New phytologist, 194, 391-401, 22320407
POPCORN functions in the auxin pathway to regulate embryonic body plan and meristem organization in Arabidopsis
Xiang D, Yang H, Venglat P, Cao Y, Wen R, Ren M, Stone S, Wang E, Wang H, Xiao W, Weijers D, Berleth T, Laux T, Selvaraj G, Datla R
2011, The Plant cell, 23, 4348-67, 22158464
Glow in the dark: fluorescent proteins as cell and tissue-specific markers in plants
Ckurshumova W, Caragea AE, Goldstein RS, Berleth T
2011, Molecular plant, 4, 794-804, 21772029
Double-filter identification of vascular-expressed genes using Arabidopsis plants with vascular hypertrophy and hypotrophy
Ckurshumova W, Scarpella E, Goldstein RS, Berleth T
2011, Plant science : an international journal of experimental plant biology, 181, 96-104, 21683873
Spatio-temporal sequence of cross-regulatory events in root meristem growth
Scacchi E, Salinas P, Gujas B, Santuari L, Krogan N, Ragni L, Berleth T, Hardtke CS
2010, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 107, 22734-9, 21149702
Embryogenesis: pattern formation from a single cell
Capron A, Chatfield S, Provart N, Berleth T
2009, The Arabidopsis book / American Society of Plant Biologists, 7, e0126, 22303250
Expanding ecological and evolutionary insights from wild Arabidopsis thaliana accessions
Lev-Yadun S, Berleth T
2009, Plant signaling & behavior, 4, 796-7, 19820322
Visualizing auxin transport routes in Arabidopsis leaf primordia
Marcos D, Berleth T
2009, Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.), 495, 11-20, 19085150
Tissue-specific GAL4 expression patterns as a resource enabling targeted gene expression, cell type-specific transcript profiling and gene function characterization in the Arabidopsis vascular system
Ckurshumova W, Koizumi K, Chatfield SP, Sanchez-Buelna SU, Gangaeva AE, McKenzie R, Berleth T
2009, Plant & cell physiology, 50, 141-50, 19068493
Multiple MONOPTEROS-dependent pathways are involved in leaf initiation
Schuetz M, Berleth T, Mattsson J
2008, Plant physiology, 148, 870-80, 18685044
Rapid, microscale, acetyl bromide-based method for high-throughput determination of lignin content in Arabidopsis thaliana
Chang XF, Chandra R, Berleth T, Beatson RP
2008, Journal of agricultural and food chemistry, 56, 6825-34, 18666780
AMP1 and MP antagonistically regulate embryo and meristem development in Arabidopsis
Vidaurre DP, Ploense S, Krogan NT, Berleth T
2007, Development (Cambridge, England), 134, 2561-7, 17553903
Towards the systems biology of auxin-transport-mediated patterning
Berleth T, Scarpella E, Prusinkiewicz P
2007, Trends in plant science, 12, 151-9, 17368963
Control of leaf vascular patterning by polar auxin transport
Scarpella E, Marcos D, Friml J, Berleth T
2006, Genes & development, 20, 1015-27, 16618807
Apical-basal polarity: why plant cells don’t stand on their heads
Friml J, Benfey P, Benková E, Bennett M, Berleth T, Geldner N, Grebe M, Heisler M, Hejátko J, Jürgens G, Laux T, Lindsey K, Lukowitz W, Luschnig C, Offringa R, Scheres B, Swarup R, Torres-Ruiz R, Weijers D, Zazímalová E
2006, Trends in plant science, 11, 12-4, 16356758
Auxin signals–turning genes on and turning cells around
Berleth T, Krogan NT, Scarpella E
2004, Current opinion in plant biology, 7, 553-63, 15337098
Stage-specific markers define early steps of procambium development in Arabidopsis leaves and correlate termination of vein formation with mesophyll differentiation
Scarpella E, Francis P, Berleth T
2004, Development (Cambridge, England), 131, 3445-55, 15226260
BlastDigester–a web-based program for efficient CAPS marker design
Ilic K, Berleth T, Provart NJ
2004, Trends in genetics : TIG, 20, 280-3, 15219390
Overlapping and non-redundant functions of the Arabidopsis auxin response factors MONOPTEROS and NONPHOTOTROPIC HYPOCOTYL 4
Hardtke CS, Ckurshumova W, Vidaurre DP, Singh SA, Stamatiou G, Tiwari SB, Hagen G, Guilfoyle TJ, Berleth T
2004, Development (Cambridge, England), 131, 1089-100, 14973283
Auxin signaling in Arabidopsis leaf vascular development
Mattsson J, Ckurshumova W, Berleth T
2003, Plant physiology, 131, 1327-39, 12644682