Voula Kanelis
Associate Professor
CSB Appointment
Research Areas
Structural Biology
Ph.D. University of Toronto 2001
B.Sc. University of Western Ontario 1995
Titles and Honors
CIHR New Investigator (2012)
Primary Undergraduate Department
Chemistry, UTM
Graduate Programs
Cell & Systems Biology
Research Description
We study nucleotide binding domains (NBDs) from the sulfonylurea receptors (SURs). The SUR proteins, which are members of the ATP binding cassette (ABC) superfamily of proteins, form regulatory domains of ATP sensitive K+ channels. Mutations in the NBDs of the SUR proteins result in diabetes, hyperinsulinism, and cardiac disorders.
Contact Information
Office Phone: 905-569-4542
Office: DV4042
Mailing Address
Department of Cell & Systems Biology
University of Toronto
1265 Military Trail
Scarborough, ON M1C 1A4
Successful development and use of a thermodynamic stability screen for optimizing the yield of nucleotide binding domains
de Araujo ED, Kanelis V
2014, Protein expression and purification, 103, 38-47, 25153533
HNH proteins are a widespread component of phage DNA packaging machines
Kala S, Cumby N, Sadowski PD, Hyder BZ, Kanelis V, Davidson AR, Maxwell KL
2014, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 111, 6022-7, 24711378
NMR and fluorescence studies of drug binding to the first nucleotide binding domain of SUR2A
López-Alonso JP, de Araujo ED, Kanelis V
2012, Biochemistry, 51, 9211-22, 23078514
The protein gp74 from the bacteriophage HK97 functions as a HNH endonuclease
Moodley S, Maxwell KL, Kanelis V
2012, Protein science : a publication of the Protein Society, 21, 809-18, 22434504
The first nucleotide binding domain of the sulfonylurea receptor 2A contains regulatory elements and is folded and functions as an independent module
de Araujo ED, Ikeda LK, Tzvetkova S, Kanelis V
2011, Biochemistry, 50, 6655-66, 21714514
NMR spectroscopy to study the dynamics and interactions of CFTR
Kanelis V, Chong PA, Forman-Kay JD
2011, Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.), 741, 377-403, 21594798
The solution structure of the C-terminal Ig-like domain of the bacteriophage λ tail tube protein
Pell LG, Gasmi-Seabrook GM, Morais M, Neudecker P, Kanelis V, Bona D, Donaldson LW, Edwards AM, Howell PL, Davidson AR, Maxwell KL
2010, Journal of molecular biology, 403, 468-79, 20826161
NMR evidence for differential phosphorylation-dependent interactions in WT and DeltaF508 CFTR
Kanelis V, Hudson RP, Thibodeau PH, Thomas PJ, Forman-Kay JD
2010, The EMBO journal, 29, 263-77, 19927121
The phage lambda major tail protein structure reveals a common evolution for long-tailed phages and the type VI bacterial secretion system
Pell LG, Kanelis V, Donaldson LW, Howell PL, Davidson AR
2009, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 106, 4160-5, 19251647
Regulation of Nedd4-2 self-ubiquitination and stability by a PY motif located within its HECT-domain
Bruce MC, Kanelis V, Fouladkou F, Debonneville A, Staub O, Rotin D
2008, The Biochemical journal, 415, 155-63, 18498246
CFTR regulatory region interacts with NBD1 predominantly via multiple transient helices
Baker JM, Hudson RP, Kanelis V, Choy WY, Thibodeau PH, Thomas PJ, Forman-Kay JD
2007, Nature structural & molecular biology, 14, 738-45, 17660831
Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) solution structure, dynamics, and binding properties of the kringle IV type 8 module of apolipoprotein(a)
Chitayat S, Kanelis V, Koschinsky ML, Smith SP
2007, Biochemistry, 46, 1732-42, 17263558
Structural determinants for high-affinity binding in a Nedd4 WW3* domain-Comm PY motif complex
Kanelis V, Bruce MC, Skrynnikov NR, Rotin D, Forman-Kay JD
2006, Structure (London, England : 1993), 14, 543-53, 16531238
Isotope labeling strategies for the study of high-molecular-weight proteins by solution NMR spectroscopy
Tugarinov V, Kanelis V, Kay LE
2006, Nature protocols, 1, 749-54, 17406304
Probing slow dynamics in high molecular weight proteins by methyl-TROSY NMR spectroscopy: application to a 723-residue enzyme
Korzhnev DM, Kloiber K, Kanelis V, Tugarinov V, Kay LE
2004, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 126, 3964-73, 15038751