Module: Cell Biology of Gastrulation

CSB 1020H/S (Summer), Teaching Section LEC 0107


Professor Ashley Bruce 

Offered Summer session, between May and July 2023 for six weeks (plus an organizational meeting in May).

Enrolment limited to 8 students


One module (0.25 FCE)




St. George campus, Ramsay Wright Building, room TBA

Course Description

Gastrulation in different animals, including invertebrates and vertebrates, is used to illustrate biological processes and to discuss basic concepts in animal development.  This course will explore cell behaviours that occur during gastrulation, such as invagination, intercalation, migration, spreading and tissue rearrangement.

Evaluation (subject to change)

  • 20% seminar 1 (presentation per student)
  • 20% seminar 2 (presentation per student)
  • 40% final presentation (group project but marked individually)
  • 20% participation in discussion


Some background in developmental biology as well as a strong interest in the topic.

Reading materials: Primary research articles and 1-2 reviews – TBD

Last updated on August 9th, 2024