Module: Current Topics in Systems Neuroscience – CSB1020H/S, LEC 0152
Coordinator: Dr. Qian Lin (
Offered: Winter 2024 session, starting in January or February
Weight: One module (0.25 FCE)
Schedule: TBA.
Location: St. George campus, Ramsay Wright Building, Room TBA (or online)
Enrolment: Limited to 8 graduate students
How do neurons cooperate and coordinate to produce flexible and adaptive behaviors? Using various animal models, this course aims to provide quantitative and causal links between neural circuits/networks and perception, behavior, and cognition at the systems level. Through presentation and writing assignment, students will learn about the popular animal models with simpler brains (such as fly, zebrafish, rodents, and primates), and interpret the neural mechanisms from multiple perspectives, to acquire a quantitative understanding. Particularly, this course will emphasize interdisciplinary technology, such as large-scale optical neural recording and advanced computational tools. Students will take actively roles, present recently published research articles, participate in discussions, and write a report.
1st seminar presentation: 30%
2nd seminar presentation: 30%
Class participation and discussion: 20%
Written assignment: 20%
Pre-requisites: None
Reading materials: Required readings will be primary research articles and reviews, and will be provided during class.
Last updated on August 9th, 2024