Module: Neuroscience of Behavioral Control and Methodology

CSB1021H/F, Teaching Section LEC 0153

Instructor: Professor Jimmy Fraigne

Offered: Fall 2024 session

Weight: One module (0.25 FCE)

Time: November and December, dates and times TBA.

Location: St. George campus, Ramsay Wright Building, Room TBA

Enrolment: Limited to 8 students


This course aims to review the latest neuroscience methods and how they can be used to reveal how the nervous system controls behaviours such as sleep, daily rhythms, breathing, motivation and movement. Part of the course is focused on describing methodology such as optogenetics, chemogenetics, magnetogenetics, large-scale population dynamics, genetically-encoded fluorescent sensors, and circuit-mapping transcriptomic. The other part of the course will focus on the function of cells, neurotransmitter systems, neural circuits, organs and the whole organism level to control behavioural states.


Students will present two seminars based on primary research articles, one from each aspect of the course (i.e., Method and Behavioral control). They will write two brief research proposals related to their own work 1) using methodologies discussed in the course, and 2) focusing on an aspect of behavioral control. Students will also participate in the discussion. Seminars and discussions will focus on issues raised in a selection of primary research papers depending on students’ interests.

Seminar = 40% (two seminars 20% each)

Proposal = 40% (two proposals 20% each)

Discussion/Participation = 20%

Prerequisites: None

Reading Materials: Primary research paper selected by Prof. Fraigne and based on the interests of the participating students.

Website: Quercus

Last updated on August 9th, 2024