Course Description

Students in BIO255H1F will attend the same lectures as students taking BIO230H1F (see calendar for description of lecture component of BIO230H). The Enhanced Laboratory provides the opportunity for greater laboratory skill development in modern investigative techniques and is intended for students interested in conducting their own laboratory research. Students will attend 10 weekly laboratories.

Please make sure you attend your first lab. There are no alternative or make-up labs for this course. Please bring the notes for Lab 1, a lab coat, safety glasses, and a notebook (Any kind of notebook is fine, but if you intend to print out the lab notes from the course website, a binder with loose leaf paper may be most convenient). Demand for the course may be high, so if you miss the first lab, we cannot guarantee your place in the course.

A very general outline of the lecture and laboratory topics is listed below:

Lecture Topics and Laboratory Exercises

  1. Sept-Oct
    Lecture Topics:
    Genome biology, regulation of gene expression, regulation of gene product function and location.
    Laboratory Exercises: Arabidopsis DNA extraction, basic and more advanced bioinformatics, experimental design, PCR, cloning, plasmid preps, and restriction enzyme diagnostics
  2. Nov-Dec
    Lecture Topics:
    Cell signaling, molecular basis of development and cancer
    Laboratory Exercises: Use of immunofluorescence and transgenic Drosophila to examine cell structure and function. Cell imaging and analysis. Primary paper analysis.


CHM (135H1, 136H1) / (138H1, 139H1) / 151Y1,
cGPA 3.0



Recommended preparation

BCH210H1 (taken concurrently or previously)

Ancillary Fees

This course has a lab fee of $51.
Lab coat and safety glasses are required and the approximate cost is $26. Students are responsible for purchasing these items.


Day Lecturer: Prof. K. Yip
Prof. H. McFarlane
Evening Lecturer: Prof. K. Yip

Course and Laboratory Coordinator

Prof A. Caragea


Course Administrator

BIO255 Office
Elly Chen

Course Hours

36L, 33P

Required Text(s)/Readings

The required textbook for BIO255H1F 2024 is an e-text rental derived from: Alberts, B., Heald, R., Johnson, A., Morgan, D. O., Raff, M. C., Roberts, K., and Walter, P. (2022). Molecular biology of the cell, 7th edition, New York, NY: W. W. Norton & Company.

Lab Manual

All lab notes will be available on-line through the course Quercus site (will be opened up in late August/early September) for students to view.

Evaluation (Subject to change)

The finalized course evaluation will be posted on Quercus in early September:
October term test (25%)
December final exam (30%)
Lab reports/lab participation/lab and textbook quizzes (45%)

Last updated on June 4th, 2024