Course Description
This course will build upon and reinforce the basic principles of animal physiology presented in the foundational courses in the Animal Physiology major program, BIO270H1F and BIO271H1S. We will continue to use a comparative approach to examine physiological systems at different levels of biological organization. By adapting a cells-to-systems approach, from molecules to organisms, students will investigate the emergent properties that arise when physiological components operate as an integrated whole; properties that cannot be predicted from knowledge of the individual components alone. The comparative approach will provide students with an inclusive appreciation of animal life by examining the fundamental characteristics humans share with all animal life and the physiological adaptations that have permitted species to exploit alternate environmental niches found on our planet. Topics to be covered include cell membrane transport processes, respiratory and circulatory systems, neurophysiology, and sensory systems.
Laboratory exercises will include traditional and guided inquiry approaches to investigate and gain an understanding of the regulation of physiological systems in both vertebrates and invertebrates. Students will experience the nature of physiological investigation while being exposed to a wide range of the current experimental approaches animal physiologists use to design, test, and evaluate hypotheses. In addition, students will continue to develop their writing and presentation skills to communicate effectively within the scientific community. This course requires participation and includes group work, written assignments, and oral presentations. The laboratories may be complemented with lectures, seminars, or workshops to discuss the physiological systems and theoretical approaches required for laboratory exercises and all assignments.
Recommended Preparation
Ancillary Fees
This course has a lab fee of $50. Lab coat and safety glasses are required for use in laboratories; students are responsible for purchasing these items (approximate cost is $25).
Prof. C. Garside
Course Coordinator
Prof. C. Garside
Contact Hours
Required Text(s)/Readings
Readings and lab materials will be available via Quercus and the U of T libraries.
Evaluation (Subject to change)
Participation: 20%
Quizzes: 10%
Lab Reports and Assignments: 40%
Research Proposal: 20%
Poster presentation: 10%
Additional Information
Relationship to Department of Cell and Systems Biology Curriculum
This course is intended for students enrolled in the Animal Physiology Major program.
It will serve as excellent preparation for upper level animal physiology and related courses such as CSB426H1, CSB432H1, CSB445H1 and CSB447H1.
Last updated on April 22nd, 2024