Course Description

The content of this course covers genome organization and the regulation of gene expression building on material covered in BIO130H1 and BIO230H1. An understanding of genetics is essential to read primary papers in molecular biology; students must take BIO260H1 or HMB265H1 prior to CSB349H1. In addition, students in CSB349H1 are expected to have a background in organic chemistry (to the level of CHM247H1) and biochemistry (BCH210H1).

Students will attend lectures and tutorials. The lectures will provide a framework of background information, while the tutorials will emphasize reading and analyzing primary literature. A big part of the tutorial will also include a team-based project.

The emphasis in this course is on self-directed learning and critical thinking; the process of science will be stressed more than the content of the discipline. All students should be able to use the library resources by the end of the course. In addition, students will need to become proficient at interpreting data from original papers, writing analyses of data and designing simple experiments.

Tutorials begin the first week of classes, and are a mandatory competent of the course, so be sure to attend your first tutorial since the PBL groups will be formed in the first tutorial. After ACORN closes for tutorial enrolment, the CSB349 office ( from September 13th to September 16th to enroll in a tutorial section. Tutorial section switch request must be made on the specific Discussion Board on Quercus, and only those with academic conflicts will be accommodated. Please see Quercus for details when the course page becomes available.


BIO230H1 / BIO255H1,
BIO260H1 / HMB 265H1



Recommended Preparation



Prof. A Saltzman

Prof. R. Sarpal

Course Coordinator

Prof. R. Sarpal

CSB 349 Office:
Elly Chen
RW 206A

Contact Hours

30L, 18T

Required Text(s)/Readings

CSB 349H Manual available electronically on Quercus as a PDF.

Recommended Text(s)/Readings

Nancy Craig et al., Principles of Genome Function, 3rd Edition, Oxford University press or TA Brown, Genomes, 3rd edition or Alberts et al., Molecular Biology of the Cell, 5th or 6th edition or H. Lodish et al. Molecular Cell Biology 6th Edition.

Evaluation (Subject to change)

Midterm: 25%

Final exam 32%

Participation in lectures 8%

Tutorials: 35% (group project (25%), quizzes and assignments (10%))

Midterm will take place during the lecture period

Last updated on June 4th, 2024