Course Description

Research in epigenetics examines a broad range of phenomena related to non-Mendelian inheritance. Examples of epigenetic regulation include X-chromosome inactivation, genomic imprinting, paramutation and position-effect variegation. The term epigenetics has also been used to describe a range of molecular mechanisms involved in these phenomena, such as chromatin and histone modifications, DNA methylation and non-coding RNA-mediated regulation.

In this course, students will read, analyze, present and discuss papers that explore epigenetic phenomena in a range of eukaryotes, from single-celled organisms to plants and humans. We will also discuss the potential roles of epigenetic regulation in development, trans-generational inheritance, genome evolution, and human disease.

Course Objectives:
Explore concepts in the field of Epigenetics using primary scientific literature
Understand how a variety of experimental techniques are used to test a hypothesis
Develop scientific literacy by interpreting and evaluating papers
Build communication skills through presentations and discussions


BIO260H1 / HMB265H1,
BCH311H1 / CSB349H1 / MGY311Y1


Prof. A. Saltzman

Contact Hours


Required Text(s)/Readings

Articles will be posted on Quercus

Evaluation (Subject to change)

The majority of class time will be devoted to student presentations and class discussion of papers. Evaluation will be based on a combination of:

Paper presentations
Participation in class discussions
Weekly paper annotations
Term tests

Additional Information

Office hours: TBA

Last updated on June 4th, 2024