Mitchell lab reveals redundant systems that maintain genome architecture

Redundancy ensures integrity of gene expression independent of genome architecture Part of finding out how something works is trying to break it. Two recent papers from Professor Jennifer Mitchell’s lab try to break the folded structure in the genome that links the essential Sox2 gene with its far…

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Professor John Peever earns Distinguished Scientist Award from the Canadian Sleep Society

Professor John Peever is this year’s recipient of the Canadian Sleep Society's (CSS-SCS) Distinguished Scientist Award. This award recognizes a clinician or scientist who has made significant national and international contributions to the field of sleep medicine and biology. The recipient is…

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Sustainability award to Chief Horticulturalist Bill Cole for greenhouse energy improvements

U of T's Chief Horticulturalist, Bill Cole, has led the change for energy efficiency in our plant growth facilities through relentless effort on lighting retrofits. Cole's work has earned him the Sustainable Action Award from Facilities and Services. Plant science requires tightly controlled…

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CSPB awards for CSB’s dedicated plant scientists

CSB students won multiple awards at the annual regional meeting of the Canadian Society for Plant Biology, held at University of Toronto Scarborough on December 3, 2022. Jenny Huang (McFarlane lab) noted that "It was exciting to finally meet all the scientists I had only heard of by name before.…

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Congratulations to CSB’s Graduate Student Award Recipients!

Congratulations to our Graduate Students who earned recognition for their accomplishments at our Graduate Student Awards on December 19th, 2022! Valerie Anderson Graduate Fellowship Awarded for academic merit to an outstanding student in any subdiscipline of plant biology. Recipient: Saad Hussain…

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Prof John Calarco “excited and confident” after Canada Research Chair renewal for Neuronal RNA Biology

When the flow of information from gene to protein is disrupted, damage or disease can be the result. Prof John Calarco’s research in the Department of Cell & Systems Biology looks at how protein-coding exons in pre-mRNA are precisely chosen and spliced together, while introns in pre-mRNA are…

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Congratulations to Highly Cited Researcher Prof David Guttman!

Department of Cell & Systems Biology (CSB) Professor David Guttman has been recognized as a Highly Cited Researcher in 2022 by the science analytics firm Clarivate. This award is evidence that Guttman's peers frequently refer to his work as they build toward improvements in plant and animal…

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Canadian Foundation for Innovation profiles Prof Guttman’s research

The Canadian Foundation for Innovation (CFI) funds research in Professor David Guttman's lab on understanding how bacteria adapt to and manipulate their hosts. CFI has shared a profile of Guttman's work as "Blueprints for boosting plant immunity: How sophisticated genomics could help address food…

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CSB recruits Professor Qian Lin for systems neuroscience in a new city

We are pleased to welcome Qian Lin, who has joined us as Assistant Professor in CSB to work on systems neuroscience, at the intersection of computational biology and neurobiology. In her experiments, she observes neurons light up across the entire brain as zebrafish make decisions in order to…

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Discoveries and Discussions at CSB Research Day

CSB held our Research Day for the first time in 2 years on September 22nd, 2022. Over 180 students, staff and faculty gathered at the Old Mill to hear the latest advances in research in the department. In his opening remarks, Graduate Associate Chair John Peever remarked how glad he was to see…

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