Our undergraduate CSB397 course provides the opportunity to conduct scientific research in academic labs around the world. In 2019, we had 17 students going to Singapore (NUS), Japan (Riken), Denmark (Copenhagen), Germany (Konstanz), Scotland (Strathclyde) or England (City). Upon returning to Canada, students present a final report or poster to the Department describing the results of their experiments.
CSB students Echo Jing and Stephanie Le agreed to share their experience as research students in Singapore. They highlight the experiential learning opportunity provided by the course: “This was the first time I’d worked in a molecular cellular lab,” Echo says. “I learned experimental research techniques and that gave me insight into what a real molecular cellular researcher does in a real lab setting. I also learned how to approach problems critically as a researcher.”
More details on CSB397 can be found under International Experience on the CSB website. Entry to this course is limited, and the deadline to apply for Summer 2020 is December 3, 2019.