MSc Exit Seminar for Isabelle Tate (Thiele Lab)


Validation of a Novel Optogenetic Drug Screening Platform for the Discovery of Neuroactive Compounds Abstract Zebrafish provide a powerful system […]

Fall Reading Week

For a full list of Undergraduate Academic Dates & Deadlines, please go to:

PhD Exit Seminar for Maryam Moazami-Goudarzi (Espie Lab)


The Structure, Function, Kinetics, Regulation, and Interactions of β-Carboxysomal Proteins CcmM and CcaA  Abstract Carboxysomes are proteinaceous biochemical micro-compartments essential […]

PhD Exit Seminar for Medha Sharma (Harris Lab)


Emergence of a smooth interface between cytoskeleton materials explained by mathematical modeling  Abstract Structures and machines require smoothening of raw […]

Fall term ends

For a full list of Undergraduate Academic Dates & Deadlines, please go to:

PhD Exit Seminar for Nadia Morson (Edwards Lab)


Phage-mediated mobile genetic elements identified in Dehalococcoidia, Chloroflexi bacteria used for bioremediation Abstract Chlorinated compounds, such as vinyl chloride (VC), […]

Final Assessments

Final assessments in F courses and Term tests in Y courses. For a full list of Undergraduate Academic Dates and […]

PhD Exit Seminar for Amanda Facciol (Gerlai Lab)


Developmental Stage-Dependent Effects of Embryonic Ethanol Exposure on Social Behaviour and Potential Underlying Mechanisms in Adult Zebrafish: A Model for […]