Tony J.C. Harris
St. George (downtown)
CSB Appointment
Research Areas
Animal Biology, Cell Biology, Developmental Biology, Genetics / Genomics, Molecular Biology, Quantitative Biology /Modelling, Systems Biology
Ph.D. Toronto 2003
B.Sc., Western 1996
Titles and Honors
Canada Research Chair in Cell Polarity and Animal Development (2005-2015)
Member, CIHR College of Reviewers
Member, Faculty of 1000 (Pattern formation section)
Primary Undergraduate Department
Cell & Systems Biology
Graduate Programs
Cell & Systems Biology
Research Description
My lab pursues how cells and tissues are built. Using the Drosophila embryo as a model system, our core approach is to manipulate molecules with genetics and to visualize effects on molecular complexes, cells and tissues using spinning disk confocal microscopy. We investigate how cytoskeletal networks form and function to shape cells and tissues, studying specific molecular regulators of these networks as well as how distinct networks impact each other, the cell cortex, and cell-cell adhesion complexes for multicellular development. We study cell polarity (how pathways direct assembly of molecular materials to particular locations of the cell), self-organization (how molecular control circuits amplify or downregulate complex formation), and emergent, multi-scale effects (how the positioning and activities of molecular materials induce physical changes to whole cells or tissues). Our fundamental research is relevant to human diseases, regenerative medicine, bioengineering, and materials science.
I enjoy working on difficult problems with trainees who are fascinated about fundamental mechanisms of cell biology. People with backgrounds in molecular/cellular/developmental biology are encouraged to contact me, as are those with backgrounds in mathematical simulations interested in applying this approach to cell biology. Please email a statement of interest, your CV and a copy of your academic record.
Contact Information
Office Phone: 416-946-0873
Office: RW517A/518
Lab: RW507
Lab Phone: 416-946-7225
Mailing Address
Department of Cell & Systems Biology
University of Toronto
25 Harbord St.
Toronto, ON M5S 3G5
Recent News
October 15, 2024
Drosophila embryo cells align under pressure through unusual cytoskeletal arrangements
The Harris Lab has discovered that the geometry of the fruit fly embryo creates a crystal-like tissue structure. This revelation was published in the…
September 18, 2024
Putting a cap on the cortex in Drosophila embryo requires pull from the centrosome
The Harris lab has revealed unexpected details about the puppetmasters of the cell in a new paper from Rebecca Tam in Journal of Cell Biology.…
April 17, 2024
Undergraduate researchers reveal exciting project results at year-end poster session to earn F Michael Barrett Award
On Friday, April 5th, 2024 students from the CSB497, 498 and 499 independent research programs presented their project results in a poster session…
Reshaping the Syncytial Drosophila Embryo with Cortical Actin Networks: Four Main Steps of Early Development.
Tam R, Harris TJC
2024, Results and problems in cell differentiation, 71, 67-90, 37996673
Confinement promotes nematic alignment of spindle-shaped cells during Drosophila embryogenesis
Ray T, Shi D, Harris TJC
2024, Development, 10.1242/dev.202577
Centrosome-organized plasma membrane infoldings linked to growth of a cortical actin domain
Tam R, Harris TJ
2024, Journal of Cell Biology, 10.1083/jcb.202403115
Contractile and expansive actin networks in Drosophila: Developmental cell biology controlled by network polarization and higher-order interactions.
Fernandez-Gonzalez R, Harris TJC
2023, Current topics in developmental biology, 154, 99-129, 37100525
Axis specification: Breaking symmetry with a myosin patch in the egg.
Harris TJC
2022, Current biology : CB, 32, R89-R91, 35077697
SCAR/WAVE complex recruitment to a supracellular actomyosin cable by myosin activators and a junctional Arf-GEF during Drosophila dorsal closure
Hunt EL, Rai H, Harris TJC,
2022, Molecular Biology of the Cell, 10.1091/mbc.E22-03-0107
Emergence of a smooth interface from growth of a dendritic network against a mechanosensitive contractile material
Sharma M, Jiang T, Jiang ZC, Moguel-Lehmer CE, Harris TJ
2021, eLife, 10.7554/eLife.66929
The Arf-GEF Steppke promotes F-actin accumulation, cell protrusions and tissue sealing during Drosophila dorsal closure
West JJ, Harris TJC
2020, PLOS ONE, 10.1371/journal.pone.0239357
Apical polarity proteins recruit the RhoGEF Cysts to promote junctional myosin assembly.
Silver JT, Wirtz-Peitz F, Simões S, Pellikka M, Yan D, Binari R, Nishimura T, Li Y, Harris TJC, Perrimon N, Tepass U
2019, The Journal of cell biology, 218, 3397-3414, 31409654
Key roles of Arf small G proteins and biosynthetic trafficking for animal development
Rodrigues FF, Harris TJC
2019, Small GTPases, 10.1080/21541248.2017.1304854
Arf-GEF localization and function at myosin-rich adherens junctions via coiled-coil heterodimerization with an adaptor protein
Zheng S, West JJ, Yu CG, Harris TJC, Yamashita Y
2019, Molecular Biology of the Cell, 10.1091/mbc.E19-10-0566
Par-1 controls the composition and growth of cortical actin caps during Drosophila embryo cleavage
Harris TJ, Jiang T
2019, Journal of Cell Biology, 10.1083/jcb.201903152
Sculpting epithelia with planar polarized actomyosin networks: Principles from Drosophila
Harris TJC
2018, Seminars in Cell & Developmental Biology, 10.1016/j.semcdb.2017.07.042
Organizing Complex Tissue Architecture by Pushing and Pulling Cell Contacts
Zhang Y, Harris TJC
2018, Developmental Cell, 10.1016/j.devcel.2018.02.003
Collision of Expanding Actin Caps with Actomyosin Borders for Cortical Bending and Mitotic Rounding in a Syncytium
Zhang Y, Yu JC, Jiang T, Fernandez-Gonzalez R, Harris TJC
2018, Developmental Cell, 10.1016/j.devcel.2018.04.024
Dynamics of PAR Proteins Explain the Oscillation and Ratcheting Mechanisms in Dorsal Closure
Durney CH, Harris TJC, Feng JJ
2018, Biophysical Journal, 10.1016/j.bpj.2018.10.014
An Actomyosin-Arf-GEF Negative Feedback Loop for Tissue Elongation under Stress
West JJ, Zulueta-Coarasa T, Maier JA, Lee DM, Bruce AEE, Fernandez-Gonzalez R, Harris TJC
2017, Current Biology, 10.1016/j.cub.2017.06.038
Cadherin Trafficking for Tissue Morphogenesis: Control and Consequences
West JJ, Harris TJC
2016, Traffic, 10.1111/tra.12407
The Arf GAP Asap promotes Arf1 function at the Golgi for cleavage furrow biosynthesis in Drosophila
Rodrigues FF, Shao W, Harris TJC
2016, Molecular Biology of the Cell, 10.1091/mbc.E16-05-0272
PH Domain-Arf G Protein Interactions Localize the Arf-GEF Steppke for Cleavage Furrow Regulation in Drosophila
Lee DM, Rodrigues FF, Yu CG, Swan M, Harris TJ
2015, PloS one, 10, e0142562, 26556630
A Par-1-Par-3-Centrosome Cell Polarity Pathway and Its Tuning for Isotropic Cell Adhesion
Jiang T, McKinley RF, McGill MA, Angers S, Harris TJ
2015, Current biology : CB, 25, 2701-8, 26455305
Polarized E-cadherin endocytosis directs actomyosin remodeling during embryonic wound repair
Hunter MV, Lee DM, Harris TJ, Fernandez-Gonzalez R
2015, The Journal of cell biology, 210, 801-16, 26304727
Germ Cell Segregation from the Drosophila Soma Is Controlled by an Inhibitory Threshold Set by the Arf-GEF Steppke
Lee DM, Wilk R, Hu J, Krause HM, Harris TJ
2015, Genetics, 200, 863-72, 25971667
A Par-1-Par-3-Centrosome Cell Polarity Pathway and Its Tuning for Isotropic Cell Adhesion
Jiang T, McKinley RF, McGill MA, Angers S, Harris TJC
2015, Current Biology, 10.1016/j.cub.2015.08.063
Stepping stone: a cytohesin adaptor for membrane cytoskeleton restraint in the syncytial Drosophila embryo
Liu J, Lee DM, Yu CG, Angers S, Harris TJ
2015, Molecular biology of the cell, 26, 711-25, 25540427
Coordinating the cytoskeleton and endocytosis for regulated plasma membrane growth in the early Drosophila embryo
Lee DM, Harris TJ
2014, Bioarchitecture, 4, 68-74, 24874871
Peptide binding properties of the three PDZ domains of Bazooka (Drosophila Par-3)
Yu CG, Tonikian R, Felsensteiner C, Jhingree JR, Desveaux D, Sidhu SS, Harris TJ
2014, PloS one, 9, e86412, 24466078
Adherens junction distribution mechanisms during cell-cell contact elongation in Drosophila
Goldenberg G, Harris TJ
2013, PloS one, 8, e79613, 24223978
Bazooka inhibits aPKC to limit antagonism of actomyosin networks during amnioserosa apical constriction
David DJ, Wang Q, Feng JJ, Harris TJ
2013, Development (Cambridge, England), 140, 4719-29, 24173807
An Arf-GEF regulates antagonism between endocytosis and the cytoskeleton for Drosophila blastoderm development
Lee DM, Harris TJ
2013, Current biology : CB, 23, 2110-20, 24120639
Displacement of basolateral Bazooka/PAR-3 by regulated transport and dispersion during epithelial polarization in Drosophila
McKinley RF, Harris TJ
2012, Molecular biology of the cell, 23, 4465-71, 23015757
Interactions between the PDZ domains of Bazooka (Par-3) and phosphatidic acid: in vitro characterization and role in epithelial development
Yu CG, Harris TJ
2012, Molecular biology of the cell, 23, 3743-53, 22833561
Assembly of Bazooka polarity landmarks through a multifaceted membrane-association mechanism
McKinley RF, Yu CG, Harris TJ
2012, Journal of cell science, 125, 1177-90, 22303000
An introduction to adherens junctions: from molecular mechanisms to tissue development and disease
Harris TJ
2012, Sub-cellular biochemistry, 60, 1-5, 22674065
Adherens junction assembly and function in the Drosophila embryo
Harris TJ
2012, International review of cell and molecular biology, 293, 45-83, 22251558
Live imaging of Drosophila embryos: quantifying protein numbers and dynamics at subcellular locations
David DJ, McGill MA, McKinley RF, Harris TJ
2012, Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.), 839, 1-17, 22218888
Adherens junctions: from molecules to morphogenesis
Harris TJ, Tepass U
2010, Nature reviews. Molecular cell biology, 11, 502-14, 20571587
The PAR complex regulates pulsed actomyosin contractions during amnioserosa apical constriction in Drosophila
David DJ, Tishkina A, Harris TJ
2010, Development (Cambridge, England), 137, 1645-55, 20392741
A modifier screen for Bazooka/PAR-3 interacting genes in the Drosophila embryo epithelium
Shao W, Wu J, Chen J, Lee DM, Tishkina A, Harris TJ
2010, PloS one, 5, e9938, 20368978
Independent cadherin-catenin and Bazooka clusters interact to assemble adherens junctions
McGill MA, McKinley RF, Harris TJ
2009, The Journal of cell biology, 185, 787-96, 19468069
How the cytoskeleton helps build the embryonic body plan: models of morphogenesis from Drosophila
Harris TJ, Sawyer JK, Peifer M
2009, Current topics in developmental biology, 89, 55-85, 19737642
Control of cell flattening and junctional remodeling during squamous epithelial morphogenesis in Drosophila
Pope KL, Harris TJ
2008, Development (Cambridge, England), 135, 2227-38, 18508861
aPKC controls microtubule organization to balance adherens junction symmetry and planar polarity during development
Harris TJ, Peifer M
2007, Developmental cell, 12, 727-38, 17488624
The positioning and segregation of apical cues during epithelial polarity establishment in Drosophila
Harris TJ, Peifer M
2005, The Journal of cell biology, 170, 813-23, 16129788
Decisions, decisions: beta-catenin chooses between adhesion and transcription
Harris TJ, Peifer M
2005, Trends in cell biology, 15, 234-7, 15866026
Regulation of cell-cell adhesion during Dictyostelium development
Siu CH, Harris TJ, Wang J, Wong E
2004, Seminars in cell & developmental biology, 15, 633-41, 15561583
Adherens junction-dependent and -independent steps in the establishment of epithelial cell polarity in Drosophila
Harris TJ, Peifer M
2004, The Journal of cell biology, 167, 135-47, 15479740
Cytoskeleton Interactions Involved in the Assembly and Function of Glycoprotein-80 Adhesion Complexes in Dictyostelium
Harris TJC, Ravandi A, Awrey DE, Siu CH
2003, Journal of Biological Chemistry, 10.1074/jbc.M206241200
Reciprocal raft-receptor interactions and the assembly of adhesion complexes
Harris TJ, Siu CH
2002, BioEssays : news and reviews in molecular, cellular and developmental biology, 24, 996-1003, 12386930
Involvement of a Triton-insoluble Floating Fraction in Dictyostelium Cell-Cell Adhesion
Harris TJC, Awrey DE, Cox BJ, Ravandi A, Tsang A, Siu CH
2001, Journal of Biological Chemistry, 10.1074/jbc.M010016200