Course Description

A brief outline of the lecture and laboratory topics is listed below:

Lecture Topics and Laboratory Exercises

  1. Sept – Oct:
    Lecture Topics: Genome Biology; Regulation of the transcriptome; Regulation of the proteome.
    Online Laboratory Exercises: Gene regulation; RNA extraction; Primary paper analysis and annotated bibliography.
  2. Oct – Dec:
    Lecture Topics: Organizing the cell and its outside interactions; Multicellular development; Cell signaling; Control of cell numbers.
    Laboratory Exercises: Microscopy (phase and fluorescence); Examination of cell structure and function in development of transgenic Drosophilamelanogaster; Primary paper analysis and annotated bibliography.


(CHM135H1, CHM136H1) / (CHM138H1, CHM139H1) / CHM151Y1



Ancillary Fees

This course has a Lab fee of $16.
Lab coat and safety glasses are required and the approximate cost is $26. Students are responsible for purchasing these items.


Day lecturers: Prof. Heather McFarlane and Prof. Kenneth Yip
Evening lecturer: Prof. Kenneth Yip

Course and Laboratory Coordinator:

Prof. Adriana Caragea

For more information, please contact:

BIO230 Office
Elly Chen
RW 206A

Contact Hours

36L, 15P

Required Text(s)/Readings

The required textbook for BIO230H1F 2023 is an e-text rental derived from: Alberts, B., Heald, R., Johnson, A., Morgan, D. O., Raff, M. C., Roberts, K., and Walter, P. (2022). Molecular biology of the cell, 7th edition, New York, NY: W. W. Norton & Company.

Lab Manual

The Lab manual will be available for purchase from the U of T Bookstore in late Aug or early Sep. Any additional lab readings (if required) will be available online.

Evaluation (Subject to change)

The finalized course evaluation will be in the course syllabus.
Textbook Quizzes: 2%
October midterm assessment: 30%
December final assessment: 35%
Lab participation and assignments: 3%

Additional Information

**Student Schedule Planning Tips**

  • As you are selecting your courses, students should be aware of the many possible BIO230 laboratory section conflicts with the following courses: BIO260H1S, HMB265H1F, or BCH210H1F.
  • Please note that if you have a course conflict with a BIO230H Lab, you need to keep trying to resolve these until the close of Lab enrolment. Spots may open up at any time, so keep trying. If you still cannot enroll in a Lab that fits your schedule you may come to the BIO230H office during specified times (refer to Quercus for dates and times) and we will do our best to assist you. If you do require assistance with obtaining a Lab, please make sure that when you visit the course office that you bring your timetable and have multiple lab times to avoid disappointment.

Last updated on June 4th, 2024