Icon for Plant Genomics

Plant Genomics and Biotechnology

Focus students are required to:

  1. complete a subset of related program course
  2. participate in a learning community for the focus

Course offerings include: Plant Development; Laboratory in Molecular Plant Biology; Bioinformatic Methods; Introduction to Plant-Microbe Interactions; Regulatory Networks and Systems in Molecular Biology; Proteomics in Systems Biology; Molecular Plant-Microorganism Interactions; Plant Molecular Biology and Biotechnology; Plant Signal Transduction; Computational Genomics and Bioinformatics; Chemical Genomics; Methods in Genomics and Proteomics; Plant Metabolomics.

Please check the Arts & Science Calendar for program requirements: https://artsci.calendar.utoronto.ca/section/Cell-and-Systems-Biology

The learning community:

  • appears on the co-curricular record based on student participation
  • is lead by a CSB faculty member with guest faculty
  • meets four times per year
  • provides community-building, professional development and enriched academics/projects with an emphasis on research
  • draws students from both the major and specialist into one group
  • student participation in the learning community is required for each year of enrolment in the focus (each student will typically participate in the learning community for 3 years, allowing for student mentoring and multi-year projects)

Learning community led by Prof Keiko Yoshioka, an expert in signal transduction and stress responses in plants, and Prof. Heather McFarlane, an expert in plant cell biology and plant cell walls.

Application form

  • application deadline:
    September 8, 2024

Once accepted, we will notify you and enroll you into the program.