Undergraduate Poster Session 2019

This Friday, April 5th, CSB held our annual Undergraduate Poster Session with posters from 42 students. They prepared posters and answered tough questions on the experimental work they undertook in our research laboratories over the year. Their dedication and hard work was abundantly evident in…

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Understanding the Restorative Nature of Sleep: CSB Professor John Peever provides insights into his research on the neurobiology of sleep

CSB Professor John Peever aims to understand the mechanisms underlying behavioural arousal states (e.g., wakefulness, REM sleep, non-REM sleep) and the mechanistic changes that occur in sleep disorders such as narcolepsy and REM sleep behaviour disorder. In an informative podcast on…

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Congratulations to Professor Melanie Woodin on her appointment as Dean of Arts & Science

It is our sincere pleasure to congratulate Professor Melanie Woodin on her appointment as the new Dean for the Faculty of Arts & Science. Melanie will begin her 5-year term as Dean on July 1, 2019. In CSB, we have benefited, and continue to benefit, from Professor Woodin's leadership and…

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Congratulations to Professor Nick Provart on his recent Genome Canada grant!

Congratulations to Professor Nick Provart, who has received Genome Canada funding for his team’s grant "From ePlants to eEcosystems: New Frameworks and Tools for Sharing, Accessing, Exploring and Integrating ‘Omic Data from Plants" as part of the Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (B/CB)…

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Sleep and cognition – check out Professor John Peever’s interview on “The Agenda” with Steve Paikin

Professor John Peever was featured on a recent episode of TVO’s “The Agenda” with Steve Paikin where he discussed the latest research on  the subject of human sleep. To access the interview, please click here.

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Professor Peter McCourt and Professor Shelley Lumba featured in Nature for Research Collaboration with TerrAscend

Congratulations to Professor Peter McCourt and Professor Shelley Lumba for being featured in Nature for their research collaboration with TerrAscend. For the complete article, click here.  

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Professor Melanie Woodin appointed as inaugural Vice-Dean, Interdivisional Partnerships

Professor Melanie Woodin has been named the inaugural Vice Dean, Interdivisional Partnerships in the Faculty of Arts & Science from October 1, 2018 to June 30, 2021. In this role she will be responsible for the development, implementation and ongoing monitoring of the Faculty’s interdivisional…

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Congratulations to Professor David Guttman on his recent Genome Canada grant!

Professor David Guttman was recently awarded $2 million in funding from the Genomic Applications Partnership Program (GAPP), which is supported by Genome Canada to study broad-range resistance. Read more about the project here.

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CSB faculty awarded NSERC Discovery and RTI grants

Congratulations to Ashley Bruce, Daphne Goring, Alan Moses, John Peever, and Joshua Currie for their success in the NSERC Discovery Grant competition, and Shelley Lumba for her successful NSERC RTI application!  These individuals helped CSB make a very strong showing this year.

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U of T students raise more than $10,000 for hotdog vendor with GoFundMe

When David Wosnick saw photos online of a hotdog vendor's cart up in flames outside Robarts Library Sunday night, he knew he had to do something to help. Wosnick started a GoFundMe campaign to get a new cart for the vendor, and then walked through the ice storm to Robarts to check up on him. Within…

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