Graduate student excellence recognized in the 2019-2020 Graduate Student Awards

The academic excellence, research potential and leadership abilities of Cell & Systems Biology graduate students was recognized in award presentations at the 2019 CSB Holiday Party held in the Madison Avenue Pub on December 6th, 2019. Professor Dinesh Christendat announced the recipients of…

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Prestigious National Award for CSB PhD Graduate Navroop Dhaliwal

Congratulations to recent CSB graduate Navroop Dhaliwal, for receiving the Graduate Student Research Prize from the Canadian Council of University Biology Chairs. Dr Dhaliwal's research in Professor Mitchell's laboratory provided a significant new insight into the very first steps taken by stem…

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Innovative App development leads to an e-learning award for Professor Melody Neumann

Congratulations to CSB Professor Melody Neumann, who competed in the eLearning Excellence Awards at the European Conference on e-Learning in Copenhagen. Her project Team Up!: The use of Student Teams in Online or Large Hybrid  Classes Improves Course Outcomes won 2nd prize! Team Up! is an online…

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Creating Community and Establishing Efficiency Leads to Recognition for Tamar Mamourian through a University True Blue Award for Service

Tamar Mamourian is the Chief Administrative Officer for the Department of Cell & Systems Biology. She is the recipient of a True Blue Award for her Service to the University. "Tamar Mamourian excels at making people feel important and valued. She recognizes them as integral members of the…

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