Dorothea Godt
Professor Emerita
St. George (downtown)
CSB Appointment
Emeritus, Full
Research Areas
Animal Biology, Cell Biology, Developmental Biology, Genetics / Genomics, Molecular Biology
Postdoctoral research 1991-1996, UCLA, USA
Ph.D. 1990, University of Cologne, Germany
Diploma 1985, Lud. Max. University Munich, Germany
Primary Undergraduate Department
Cell & Systems Biology
Graduate Programs
Cell & Systems Biology
Developmental Biology
Research Description
The behavior of individual cells is the driving force behind morphogenesis. Cell shape, cell motility, cell-cell and cell-matrix interactions, which can undergo rapid changes during development, determine the shape and organization of tissues and organs. To identify and analyze the molecular pathways and networks that regulate the behavior of cells during morphogenesis my research group uses gonad development in Drosophila as a model system. Our research focuses on (1) the formation of the germline stem cell niche, (2) invasive cell migration in ovarian follicles, and (3) development of microvilli in epithelial cells.
Contact Information
Office Phone: 416-978-8714
Office: RW608A
Lab: RW608/RW609
Lab Phone: 416-946-3691
Mailing Address
Department of Cell & Systems Biology
University of Toronto
25 Harbord St.
Toronto, ON M5S 3G5
Recent News
May 18, 2023
CSB Researchers earn multiple NSERC awards
Congratulations to Professors in CSB who earned NSERC Discovery and NSERC-RTI grants! NSERC Discovery Grants The Discovery Grant program supports…
The NEMP family supports metazoan fertility and nuclear envelope stiffness
Tsatskis Y, Rosenfeld R, Pearson JD, Boswell C, Qu Y, Kim K, Fabian L, Mohammad A, Wang X, Robson MI, Krchma K, Wu J, Gonçalves J, Hodzic D, Wu S, Potter D, Pelletier L, Dunham WH, Gingras A, Sun Y, Meng J, Godt D, Schedl T, Ciruna B, Choi K, Perry JRB, Bremner R, Schirmer EC, Brill JA, Jurisicova A, McNeill H
2020, Science Advances, 10.1126/sciadv.abb4591
Integration of Migratory Cells into a New Site In Vivo Requires Channel-Independent Functions of Innexins on Microtubules
Miao G, Godt D, Montell DJ
2020, Developmental Cell, 10.1016/j.devcel.2020.06.024
Dissection and Staining of Drosophila Pupal Ovaries
Park KS, Godt D, Kalderon D
2018, Journal of Visualized Experiments, 10.3791/56779
Specification and spatial arrangement of cells in the germline stem cell niche of the Drosophila ovary depend on the Maf transcription factor Traffic jam
Xie T, Panchal T, Chen X, Alchits E, Oh Y, Poon J, Kouptsova J, Laski FA, Godt D
2017, PLOS Genetics, 10.1371/journal.pgen.1006790
The E3 ligase Ubr3 regulates Usher syndrome and MYH9 disorder proteins in the auditory organs of Drosophila and mammals
Li T, Giagtzoglou N, Eberl DF, Jaiswal SN, Cai T, Godt D, Groves AK, Bellen HJ
2016, eLife, 10.7554/eLife.15258
Loss of SPARC dysregulates basal lamina assembly to disrupt larval fat body homeostasis inDrosophila melanogaster
Shahab J, Baratta C, Scuric B, Godt D, Venken KJ, Ringuette MJ
2015, Developmental Dynamics, 10.1002/dvdy.24243
Loss of SPARC dysregulates basal lamina assembly to disrupt larval fat body homeostasis in Drosophila melanogaster
Shahab J, Baratta C, Scuric B, Godt D, Venken KJ, Ringuette MJ
2014, Developmental dynamics : an official publication of the American Association of Anatomists, 25529377
Myosin VIIA regulates microvillus morphogenesis and interacts with cadherin Cad99C in Drosophila oogenesis
Glowinski C, Liu RH, Chen X, Darabie A, Godt D
2014, Journal of cell science, 127, 4821-32, 25236597
The Maf factor Traffic jam both enables and inhibits collective cell migration in Drosophila oogenesis
Gunawan F, Arandjelovic M, Godt D
2013, Development (Cambridge, England), 140, 2808-17, 23720044
Mutational analysis supports a core role for Drosophila α-catenin in adherens junction function
Sarpal R, Pellikka M, Patel RR, Hui FY, Godt D, Tepass U
2012, Journal of cell science, 125, 233-45, 22266901
Breaking a temporal barrier: signalling crosstalk regulates the initiation of border cell migration
Godt D, Tepass U
2009, Nature cell biology, 11, 536-8, 19404334
The germline stem cells of Drosophila melanogaster partition DNA non-randomly
Karpowicz P, Pellikka M, Chea E, Godt D, Tepass U, van der Kooy D
2009, European journal of cell biology, 88, 397-408, 19395121
Cell dynamics and developmental bias in the ontogeny of a complex sexually dimorphic trait in Drosophila melanogaster
Atallah J, Liu NH, Dennis P, Hon A, Godt D, Larsen EW
2009, Evolution & development, 11, 191-204, 19245550
Expression profile of the cadherin family in the developing Drosophila brain
Fung S, Wang F, Chase M, Godt D, Hartenstein V
2008, The Journal of comparative neurology, 506, 469-88, 18041774
Integrin-dependent anchoring of a stem-cell niche
Tanentzapf G, Devenport D, Godt D, Brown NH
2007, Nature cell biology, 9, 1413-8, 17982446
Drosophila melanogaster Cad99C, the orthologue of human Usher cadherin PCDH15, regulates the length of microvilli
D'Alterio C, Tran DD, Yeung MW, Hwang MS, Li MA, Arana CJ, Mulligan VK, Kubesh M, Sharma P, Chase M, Tepass U, Godt D
2005, The Journal of cell biology, 171, 549-58, 16260500
The large Maf factor Traffic Jam controls gonad morphogenesis in Drosophila
Li MA, Alls JD, Avancini RM, Koo K, Godt D
2003, Nature cell biology, 5, 994-1000, 14578908
Hand-me-downs. Transmitting anterior-posterior asymmetry from older to younger egg follicles
Godt D, Tepass U
2003, Developmental cell, 5, 525-7, 14536049
The Drosophila melanogaster BTB proteins bric à brac bind DNA through a composite DNA binding domain containing a pipsqueak and an AT-Hook motif
Lours C, Bardot O, Godt D, Laski FA, Couderc JL
2003, Nucleic acids research, 31, 5389-98, 12954775
Organogenesis: keeping in touch with the germ cells
Godt D, Tepass U
2003, Current biology : CB, 13, R683-5, 12956974