Retirement celebration features fond recollections

CSB held an emotional get-together on Oct 18th in the Faculty Club to celebrate the retirements of Professors Dorotea Godt and Rudi…

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Sugar-coated cells’ surprise role in gastrulation

The way embryonic cells stick to each other is given a new twist by studies of the sugar coating around developing tissues. The Winklbauer lab has shown that the glycocalyx sugar coat mediates cell-cell attachment across significantly large distances between cells. These surprising results are…

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Tiptoeing around in the frog embryo

Dr Martina Nagel recently found the answer to a puzzle that she has been pursuing for 30 years in the laboratory of Prof Rudolf Winklbauer. She determined how the sheets of tissue that become the adult frog can migrate past each other while staying mostly separate as the embryo grows and develops…

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