Neuroscientist Dr Jessica Pressey joins CSB in 2020 as Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream

We are fortunate to have recruited Jessica Pressey to CSB as an Assistant Professor, Teaching-Stream (3-year CLTA) as of Jan 1, 2020. Professor Pressey graduated with a PhD from Dean Woodin's lab in 2015 and completed postdoctoral research at INSERM's Institut du Fer à Moulin in Paris, France.…

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Researchers delay onset of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) in laboratory models

Learn more about recent research from the laboratories of Prof Junchul Kim and Dean Melanie Woodin, "Cortical interneuron-mediated inhibition delays the onset of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis", in this story from the Faculty of Arts & Science: Researchers delay onset of amyotrophic lateral…

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Pan-genome effector analysis of Pseudomonas syringae reveals the ways wild plants evade infection

The Guttman and Desveaux labs in Cell & Systems Biology have published a comprehensive analysis of the huge variety of methods used by bacteria to evade the immune system of plants in the latest issue of Science magazine: "The pan-genome effector-triggered immunity landscape of a host-pathogen…

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Graduate student excellence recognized in the 2019-2020 Graduate Student Awards

The academic excellence, research potential and leadership abilities of Cell & Systems Biology graduate students was recognized in award presentations at the 2019 CSB Holiday Party held in the Madison Avenue Pub on December 6th, 2019. Professor Dinesh Christendat announced the recipients of…

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The CSB Forefront is a fascinating digital magazine produced by CSB graduate students

The inaugural volume of Cell & Systems Biology's graduate student newsletter is out! The CSB Forefront covers many aspects of life in grad school. Faculty profiles give insights into what motivates CSB professors. Graduate student life is covered in housing profiles, lifestyle surveys and book…

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Prestigious National Award for CSB PhD Graduate Navroop Dhaliwal

Congratulations to recent CSB graduate Navroop Dhaliwal, for receiving the Graduate Student Research Prize from the Canadian Council of University Biology Chairs. Dr Dhaliwal's research in Professor Mitchell's laboratory provided a significant new insight into the very first steps taken by stem…

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CSB397 Research Abroad course provides new skills and new experiences

Our undergraduate CSB397 course provides the opportunity to conduct scientific research in academic labs around the world. In 2019, we had 17 students going to Singapore (NUS), Japan (Riken), Denmark (Copenhagen), Germany (Konstanz), Scotland (Strathclyde) or England (City). Upon returning to…

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Innovative App development leads to an e-learning award for Professor Melody Neumann

Congratulations to CSB Professor Melody Neumann, who competed in the eLearning Excellence Awards at the European Conference on e-Learning in Copenhagen. Her project Team Up!: The use of Student Teams in Online or Large Hybrid  Classes Improves Course Outcomes won 2nd prize! Team Up! is an online…

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CSB at Fall Campus Day 2019

Cell & Systems Biology (CSB) hosted a booth at the Fall Campus Day program fair, an annual event to explain U of T programs to high school students. Our booth was crowded with eager young scientists curious about our courses. CSB is the largest undergraduate life sciences department at U of T,…

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Creating Community and Establishing Efficiency Leads to Recognition for Tamar Mamourian through a University True Blue Award for Service

Tamar Mamourian is the Chief Administrative Officer for the Department of Cell & Systems Biology. She is the recipient of a True Blue Award for her Service to the University. "Tamar Mamourian excels at making people feel important and valued. She recognizes them as integral members of the…

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