CSB Researchers earn multiple NSERC awards

Congratulations to Professors in CSB who earned NSERC Discovery and NSERC-RTI grants! NSERC Discovery Grants The Discovery Grant program supports ongoing programs of research with long-term goals. These grants recognize the creativity and innovation that are at the heart of all research advances.…

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Benign bacteria can cooperatively cause virulence

“In science, we often focus on a single ‘wild type’ organism, but even a single species of bacteria has as much variation as the instruments in a symphony. The French Horn produces a lovely sound, but if all you do is focus on French Horn, you’ll never know the joys of a symphony.” This is how…

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Oustanding CSB educators earn 2022-23 TA Teaching Awards

Congratulations to the recipients of the 2022-23 CSB TA Teaching Excellence Award! This award recognizes the significant role of Teaching Assistants in the Department of Cell and Systems Biology and their key contributions to the learning experience of students. This year, the award was earned by…

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CSB project students present their year’s work in research

A year of research by CSB project students culminated in a poster session on March 31st, 2023. The students used the posters to…

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Pursue STEM provides an introduction to Cell & Systems Biology for Black high school students

Professor Ritu Sarpal, the CSB Liaison for Pursue STEM, organized an outreach event on March 14th as part of our EDI committee’s efforts to encourage minority groups to pursue higher education in the biological sciences. Pursue STEM is a program that supports Black high school students interested…

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Janssen Award for Equity and Inclusion to improve opportunities for CSB graduate students

CSB is grateful for a new endowment to U of T from Jannsen Canada that will help address health inequity and provide ongoing support to future leaders in healthcare. The Janssen Award for Equity and Inclusion supports Faculty of Arts & Science undergraduate and graduate students, with a focus…

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Leading Canadian Research in Sleep Science with CSS President-Elect John Peever

‘Not until the past decade did sleep take centre stage in our understanding of general health and well-being,’ says sleep scientist Professor John Peever. ‘Now, with an increasing awareness of how sleep is pivotal in guiding healthy lifestyle choices, we are starting to develop a more holistic…

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Launching the Professional Master’s Program in Data Science for Biology

The University of Toronto’s Master of Science in Applied Computing (MScAC) program, in collaboration with the Department of Computer Science, the Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology, and the Department of Cell & Systems Biology, is proud to announce the launch of two new…

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Important tips on communicating with your busy Principal Investigator

Professors are passionate about their research topic and the trainees who do the experiments are key, but supervision must compete with all their other responsibilities. These "Principal Investigators" need to write grants for research money, budget for spending their funds on research, write up…

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Tatiana Ruiz-Bedoya’s passion for science yields Dr Christine Hone-Buske Scholarship

The Dr Christine Hone-Buske Scholarship honours an Outstanding Publication by a PhD Student in Cell & Systems Biology. This year’s award goes to Tatiana Ruiz-Bedoya for her work on “Cooperative virulence via the collective action of secreted pathogen effectors”. Ruiz-Bedoya acquired an…

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